Tension on the northern border: The IDF arrested a suspected shepherd in connection with Hezbollah

IDF forces today (Tuesday) identified a suspected shepherd who approached the border line and crossed it towards Israeli territory in the Har Dov area. It was also reported that IDF fighters arrested him as part of an initiated ambush in the area and it is estimated that he crossed the border intentionally. Good faith.

The IDF expresses concern about the phenomenon of shepherds approaching the border line with Lebanon. According to estimates, this is a squad of organized shepherds organized and coordinated with the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which are sent to gather intelligence on IDF forces deployed in the area.

Documentation of the attempted attack on the Lebanese border, archive. Credit: IDF Spokesman

Today it was made public that even in the incident of the attempted intrusion that took place on July 27 in the area of ​​Har Dov, near the ‘Gladiola’ post, a shepherd was involved. It will be recalled that the IDF force was then able to thwart an attempted infiltration by a Hezbollah terrorist cell that was trying to cross into Israeli territory. The cell, which numbered three or four terrorists, managed to cross the border (the “Blue Line”) by only a few meters.

In his speeches in recent weeks, Hezbollah’s secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, has continued to threaten Israel. Among other things, he said that Iran has always supported Hezbollah and Lebanon and will continue to do so in the future.
