Syrian President Bashar Assad and his wife Asma have been infected in Corona

Syrian President Bashar Assad and his wife Asma have been infected in Corona, the Damascus Presidency announced today (Monday). According to the announcement, the two felt mild symptoms and after a PCR test were found to be positive for the virus. “They are in good condition,” they said in Damascus.

The Syrian presidential office said that “they will continue their work over the next two to three weeks from the home isolation, to which they have moved.”

As you may recall, during the prisoner exchange deal between Israel and the Assad regime, which included the young Israeli Sabbath crossing the fence in the Majdal Shams area, the dire corona situation in Syria made headlines around the world. According to foreign reports, Israel has agreed to purchase in millions of dollars Russian Sputnik vaccines against Corona that will be delivered to the Syrians, in exchange for the Israeli return.

According to a report on a website affiliated with the Syrian opposition, sources said that Israel would pay Russia $ 1.2 million to purchase Sputnik vaccines under the agreement. At the same time, the Saudi newspaper al-Sharq Al-Awsat reports that the deal to release Israel included conditions for the transfer of vaccines to Syria.

Prime Minister Netanyahu on the return of the young Israeli woman from Syria

On the other hand, a Syrian source quoted by the Sana network denied what was published in some media outlets about a secret clause in the agreement for the release of Syrian prisoners. The same source insisted that this was the promotion of fabricated information on a clause for obtaining vaccines from Israel, with the aim of exploiting the deal to harm Syria and the humanitarian characteristics of the deal. According to him, the media want to portray Israel as human.
