Surya Namaskar at Taapsee Pannu by the beach comes as a new job incentive, here are its benefits – fitness

Making jaws drop in surprise as she said no steroids and trained hard to get into athlete form, Taapsee Pannu is now preparing to launch her sports drama. Rashmi Rocket but they continued to inspire cheerful people this Thursday with a simple sunny reception. Encouraging fans to hold exercise demonstrations at bay, the diva took a look at her own exercise routine from this mid-week morning as she slides Surya Namaskar by the beach.

Capturing her social media style, Taapsee shared a photo showing her wearing a black tee and a pair of gray pants that were folded up as she stood barefoot near the ocean waves. Pulling back her curly strokes in a knot above to keep her hair off her face during the intense work session, Taapsee stood firm on the wet stance as she lifted one leg behind her and held her with his hand while he raised his other hand in the direction of the sun.

She captioned the photo, “Sun salutations Rashmi style #RashmiRocket racing towards the final record (sic). ”

Sun reception is a yoga exercise that gracefully combines 12 asanas and is widely known as Surya Namaskar. Although the exercise is done smoothly in sets, it is recommended for beginners to start with two or four rounds and gradually increase to what they can do at any time of the day.


One round of Surya Namaskar, using all 12 asanas, burns around 13.90 calories. This yoga asana is known to strengthen your back as well as the muscles.

It rejuvenates your body and refreshes a person’s mind if played at sunrise. Playing it in the evening energizes the body while playing at dusk helps a man to release it.

Performing Surya Namaskar also helps to get glorious skin as it improves blood circulation. Other benefits of the exercise include lowering the body’s blood sugar levels, improving metabolism and ensuring a regular menstrual cycle for women.

Ancient yogis believe that this asana also activates the second brain called the Manipura Chakra or the Solar plexus and is located in the navel area. As a result, it is believed that a person’s creative and intuitive abilities increase.

Dedicated to the vedic-hindu sun deity of Surya, the Yoga asana consists of a series of 12 powerful yoga positions that together complete Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation. These 12 steps are performed in the order which includes Pranamasana (prayer stand), Hasta Uttrantana (raised arm position), Hasta Padasana (forward bend stand), Ashwa Sanchalanasana (lunge stand), Chaturanga Dandasana (plank pose), Ashtanga Namaskara (eight feet stand), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward looking dog stand), Ashwa Sanchalanasana (high lunge stand), Hasta Padasana (forward stand) loop), Hasta Uttintía (standing raised arms) and again Pranamasana (prayer position)).

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