Survey of seats: Likud leads, blue and white crashes, and how many Netanyahu’s opponents have a bloc?

The 23rd Knesset is expected to disperse tonight at midnight (Tuesday) after the bill was dropped tonight, which was intended to delay the approval of the budget, thus preventing a compromise between the Likud and Blue and White. Now the eyes of the parties – and the public – are on March 23, when the elections for the 24th Knesset are expected.

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This morning, a new poll was published on the Knesset channel, conducted yesterday, even before the bill fell, but it continues the trend of additional polls conducted, according to which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud do not have a majority to form a coalition.

According to the poll, the Likud gets 29 seats, the “New Hope” party led by Gideon Saar gets 20, right 14, has a future 13 while the joint list loses many seats compared to the current Knesset and drops to 11.

In the single-digit sector, the ultra-Orthodox parties maintain their power, with Shas receiving eight seats and Torah Judaism seven.

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On the bloc map, a Likud-Haredi party bloc with 44 seats, a bloc of Netanyahu opponents with 62 seats. Right led by Naftali Bennett with 14 seats.

Respondents were also asked whether it was right to go to the polls or continue in the current government term. Among all respondents, 41% are in favor of elections, 36% are in favor of continuing the government and 23% do not know. Among blue and white voters, 43% said they were in favor of an election, exactly the same percentage who said the government should continue. Among Likud voters, 28% are in favor of elections, compared with 63% who called for the government to continue in office.

In a survey conducted for the Knesset channel by Menachem Lazar – Director of Panels Politics, 530 members participated in Panel4All’s respondents’ panel for conducting research on the Internet. Performed on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel, Jews and Arabs alike – from the age of 18 and up. The survey was conducted on December 21, 2020. The maximum sampling error in this survey is 4.4%.
