Survey: Equality between torch and storm, work is climbing

Two days before the closing of the lists for the Knesset, if the elections had been held today (Tuesday) the Likud would have won 29 seats, while Yesh Atid (Yair Lapid) and Tikva Hadasha (Gideon Saar) would have won 16 seats each. This is according to a News 13 survey published in the main edition.

Photo: Shmuel Buharis

Against the background of reports of the possibility of connections in the center-left bloc, the work led by the new chairman Merav Merav Michaeli continues to climb and according to the poll wins 8 seats.

The full results

The Likud and Netanyahu are on the weakening trend – 29

There is also a future and Lapid is losing seats – 16

Gideon Saar’s New Hope – 16

Bennett’s right – 10

The joint list of Ayman Odeh – 10.

To Merav Michaeli and the work – 8

Torah Judaism led by Gafni – 8

Shas – 7

Yisrael Beiteinu – 7

March – 5

And blue and white of Bnei Gantz on the verge of the blocking percentage – 4

Do not pass:

Zelicha’s Economic, 2.7

Religious Zionism, Bezalel Smutrich, 2

Jewish Power 2

And the Israelis of Huldai 0.9

Other parties that do not pass the blocking percentage: Aleh Yarok, Gesher by Orly Levy Abkasis, Swing by Ofer Shelach and also the Veterans Party of Israel led by Danny Yatom.

Map of the blocks:

The bloc to replace Netanyahu -66.

Netanyahu’s Bloc 44

Bennett’s right 10

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu // Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Union scenarios

In another scenario, Examined in the closure what will happen in the event of a unification on the left of Labor with Tnufa (Ofer Shelach) and the Israelis (Ron Huldai), two parties that do not pass the blocking percentage.

In such a case, this union would yield 11 seats. There is a future, new hope, Yisrael Beiteinu and Meretz are all losing one seat. Bennett’s right wins a seat and rises to 11th.

In the third scenario We will examine what happens if the Jewish home and religious Zionism, Smutritz and Hagit Moshe unite and they agree to add the Jewish power of Ben Gvir as well. And on the other side – the RAAM led by Mansour Abbas splits from the joint list. In such a case:

Likud – 27 seats.

There is a future – 14

New Hope – 14.

Right – 8

The common list – 8

Torah Judaism – 8

Shas – 7

Yisrael Beiteinu – 7

Also Michael’s work – 7

Unification of the right between Smutritz and Ben Gvir – 6

March – 5

And on the threshold of the blocking percentage blue and white 4

Mansour Abbas’ Ra’am – 4

On the question of suitability for prime minister

Netanyahu – 35%

Ser – 16%

Torch – 14%,

Bennett – 9%

Gantz – 7%

Assuming that the Netanyahu replacement bloc has the option of forming a government, who would you prefer to see as prime minister?

23% responded to Gideon Saar

20% prefer Bennett

Torch with 19%

27% none of them

The survey included 703 respondents, 604 from the Jewish population and 99 from the non-Jewish sector.

The survey was conducted by Prof. Camille Fox

The survey in the Jewish sector was conducted by the sample project company under the direction of Dr. Ariel Ayalon.

The survey in the non-Jewish sector was conducted by Stat-Net under the management of Yosef Maklada.

The sampling error is 3.7%

The data were weighted by previous vote and by religious sector
