Survey: Difficulty for both sides in forming a government

On the way to a dead end in the government train? If the elections had been held today (Wednesday), the Likud would have won 28 seats and there is a future for 18. This is according to a News 12 poll published tonight in the main edition.

According to the survey, it seems that it will be very difficult for both sides to form a government. The bloc of opponents of Benjamin Netanyahu does win 61 seats, but these also consist of the 9 seats of the joint that are difficult to see how they will sit in the government or even support from outside where a new right-wing-oriented Tikva party is a member. Gideon Saar’s party continues to be far from the official numbers it showed with its launch and according to the poll wins only 13 seats.

The bloc of Netanyahu supporters stands at 48 (Likud, Torah Judaism and Shas), while the right, led by Naftali Bennett – who did not rule out a meeting with the prime minister but Bennett announced that he intends to replace him – wins 11 seats. The Religious Zionist Party led by MK Bezalel Smutrich and its member Itamar Ben-Gvir are successful and win 5 seats, with four seats required to enter the Knesset.

If the election were held today, which party would you vote for?

Likud 28

There is a future 18

New Hope 13

Right 11

The common list 9

Shas 8

Torah Judaism 7

Yisrael Beiteinu 7

The work 6

Religious Zionism 5

March 4

Blue and white 4

Below the blocking percentage

The new economic 1.7%

PM 0.9%


Ourselves 0.3% Justice 0%

Of the following personalities, who would you rather have as prime minister?

Benjamin Netanyahu 30% Yair Lapid 23% Gideon Saar 12% Naftali Bennett 10% None of them 16% do not know 9%

The survey was conducted by a sample institute headed by Mano Geva among a representative sample of the entire population in Israel aged 18 and over among 500 respondents. Sampling error 4.4% – +

Date of collection of data: 10 February 2021
