Surprising iPhone 13 Leak, Surface Pro Beats MacBook Pro

Looking back on another week of news and headlines from Cupertino, this week’s Apple Loop includes new iPhone 13 camera leaks, iPhone 12 Pro sales, iPad success, MacBook Pro hit by Surface Pro, Apple vs Facebook over privacy, iOS 14.5 beta, and recognition for Ted Lasso.

Apple Loop is here to remind you of a few of the many conversations that have taken place around Apple over the past seven days (and you can read my weekly dig of Android news here on Forbes).

IPhone 13 camera lesson

As always, the improved camera technology is one way to help a new smartphone stand out from the pack. That means that the new features and techniques will be hotly debated before they are revealed, during publication, through the reviews, and beyond. This year’s iPhone 13 will be no exception, and the latest leak features a new ultra-wide camera as one of the key specs:

“In an investment note by TF International Securities in November, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo also said that the Ultra Wide lens will be upgraded to an fosgladh / 1.8 aperture, but only on iPhone 13 Pro models, so controversial information regarding exactly how many models will receive the lens update. Kuo expects the updated Ultra Wide lens to extend to the rest of the iPhone’s main line in the second half of 2022. “


More iPhone 12 Pro In 2021

Following last week’s reports, supply chain analyst JP Morgan has halted project sales of the iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max in the back half of 2021. It’s just not choosing the fall in iPhone 12 numbers, it launches an idea that the iPhone 12 Mini may produce in the third calendar quarter of the year:

“… Yang has revised the mix of iPhone models to include a much higher percentage of iPhone 12 Pro Max devices, along with larger numbers of iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 11 devices. the analyst reviewed iPhone 12 Pro Max build numbers by up to 11 million units; Build iPhone 12 Pro numbers up 2 million units; and iPhone 11 build numbers up to 8 million units. “

Apple Insider.

Tabletop sales and iPad sales

The iPad family has benefited from the global rise in record sales. With the market up 19.3 percent year-over-year, Digitimes estimates that Apple is in its thirteenth consecutive quarter:

“Loads reportedly rose partly due to concerns about expected chip shortages in the first half of 2021. The other reason for the big upgrade was Apple’s new eighth-gen iPad, which released in September 2020. Apple confirmed the entry-level tablet to be the most popular tablet at the release of the seventh-generation model in 2019. “


Surface Pro 7+ vs MacBook Pro

Has Apple lost a trick with the MacBook Pro design? Microsoft’s Surface Pro 7+ has a number of great features for enterprise customers, which offers a distinct advantage over the Mac; although with a redesign expected in 2021 we may still see an Apple laptop with a removable SSD:

“The reason is kept away at the back of the hard drive. The new MacBook Pro and MacBook Air laptops have a very smooth run, with no access or options to reach the inmates. hammer on the Surface Pro 7+, behind which you can pop into a SIM card for 4G LTE data and a removable SSD. “


How 2021 privacy explains it

Apple vs Facebook is going to be one of the most important stories of 2021. Reducing it down to an audiobook removes many of the gray shapes between the position of Apple Tim Cook and Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook, but the battle around who controls your personal data is going to be obvious, ugly, and relevant to all of us. I suspect that Apple is going to find its position much easier to prove publicly:

“Technology doesn’t require a lot of personal data, stitched together across dozens of websites and applications, to succeed,” [Apple CEO Tim Cook speaking the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection conference]… “Advertising was there and thrived for decades without it. And we are here today because the path of wisdom is seldom in the path of least aggression. If a business is built on fraudulent consumers, on the use of data, on choices that are not options at all, then it is not worthy of our recommendation. It deserves reform. “”


New features in iOS 14.5 Beta

The public beta of iOS 14.5 allows iPhone users to use Face ID to unlock their device while wearing a face mask; the reversal is that the user must have an Apple Watch, which will be a secondary study through the proximity of the available biometric data. That’s not the only important feature in the iOS 14.5 beta. It may have been there at launch, but this version is expected to turn 5G support into all SIM cards in the iPhone 12:

“Currently, trying to use the Face ID feature with part of the face covered will cause a screen asking users to enter their passcode, which is difficult for The iOS 14.5 update should solve that. But users need to spend one of Apple ‘s latest smartwatches. “

BBC News.

And finally …

Apple TV + ‘s’Ted Lasso‘selected dup Emmy nominees for’ Best Comedy ‘and’ Best Actor ‘. The awards ceremony is on 28 February. More at Apple Insider.

Apple Loop will give you seven days of ambition every weekend here on Forbes. Don’t forget to follow me so you don’t miss any future broadcasts. Last week ‘s Apple Loop can be read here, or this week’ s edition of Loop ‘s sister column, Android Circuit, is also available on Forbes.
