Study finds increase in drinking among people with anxiety and depression during COVID-19

People with anxiety and depression are more likely to report an increase in drinking during COVID-19 pandemic disease than those without mental health issues, according to a new study by researchers at the NYU World School of Public Health published in the iris Preventative medicine. As alcohol consumption increased among younger people, older adults with anxiety and depression saw a sharper increase in the risk for harmful alcohol use.

This increase in drinking, particularly among people with anxiety and depression, is consistent with concerns that the pandemic could lead to epilepsy of alcohol use. ”

Ariadna Capasso, Doctoral Student, Lead Author of the NYU School of Global Public Health and Research

People often drink to deal with stressful and traumatic events; a 2002 study found that a quarter of New Yorkers increased their alcohol consumption after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. COVID-19 has created many stresses, including isolation and disorder of habits, economic hardship, illness, and fear of epilepsy, and studies suggest that people drink more during the pandemic.

People with pre-existing mental health conditions are particularly prone to using more alcohol at stressful events. To understand the impact of the pandemic on this population, NYU researchers created and administered an online study in March and April 2020, using Facebook to recruit U.S. adults from all 50 states. . The researchers asked participants about their alcohol use during the pandemic, collected demographic information, and measured symptoms of depression and anxiety based on self-report.

Of the 5,850 survey respondents who reported drinking, 29 percent said they were increasing their alcohol use during the pandemic, and 19.8 percent said they were drank less and 51.2 per cent said there was no change. People with depression were 64 percent more likely to increase their alcohol level, while those with anxiety were 41 percent more likely to do so.

Alcohol behavior varied with age. In general, younger adults under 40 were more likely to report increased alcohol use (40 percent) during the pandemic, compared with those aged 40–59 years (30 percent). per cent) and adults over 60 (20 per cent). However, older adults (40 and older) with symptoms of anxiety and depression were approximately twice as likely to report higher drinking in pandemic compared to older adults without mental health issues.

“We expected younger people and those with mental health issues to report drinking as a way of coping, but this is the first time we learn that mental health is linked to differences in alcohol use by age, “said study author Yesim Tozan, associate professor of global health at NYU ‘s Global School of Public Health.

The researchers support mental health services and the growing use of COVID-19 drugs – using telehealth to overcome barriers to accessing care – and actively reaching out to people with mental health problems who may engage in unhealthy drinking in response to stress. They also recommend tailoring age-related public health messages to communicate more effectively the dangers of alcohol abuse.

“Lessons we have learned from previous disasters show us that early intervention for the use of unhealthy substances is vital and can help reduce the effects of the disease- mental health, “said Ralph DiClemente, chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at NYU World School of Public Health and lead author of the study. Additional study authors include postdoctoral partner Joshua Foreman and Shahmir doctoral students Ali and Abbey Jones of NYU Global School of Public Health.


Magazine Reference:

Capasso, A., et al. (2021) Increased alcohol use during COVID-19 epidemic: Impact of mental health and age in a cross-sectional sample of social media users in the US Preventative medicine.
