Strengthens the immune system during COVID-19 and Beyond

The coronavirus has spread throughout the United States, and health professionals make several recommendations related to social distance, hand hygiene, and mask wear. There are currently no medications or treatments for COVID-19, but one or two vaccines are available.

Despite the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, one element that is missing from the mainstream media is how you stimulate the immune system, which is our duty to protect us from harmful substances and germs. . The better he can do his job, the healthier we will be. See if we can explore how to keep our immune systems healthy during COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Vitamin D appropriate

This fat soluble vitamin is a hormone that our bodies make in response to the sun. Vitamin D is essential for a healthy immune system and bone health. Unfortunately, studies show that 42% of the population is deficient. This is especially common in colder or cloudy climates and in individuals with darker skin. For example, studies show that Blacks – and to a lesser extent, Latinos – have higher instances of Vitamin D deficiency than their white peers.

Some foods contain vitamin D, which our bodies can produce when exposed to sunlight. Diet alone is usually not enough, and supplementation is recommended. The National Institutes of Health is proposing to increase 600 IU for adolescents and adults and 800 IU for the elderly over 70 years of age. However, there are different recommendations for optimal health, with some being much higher. Also, exposure to sunlight helps to raise vitamin D levels. Unfortunately, this can be difficult in cold climates when the skin is covered and the sun is relatively weak. .

Balanced & Healthy Diet

As we all know, a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables promotes health. In particular, there is also evidence that zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E affect our immune systems. Avoid fried foods and processed foods and eat a variety of nutritious foods.

healthy young woman cutting a fresh pear

A healthy diet and regular exercise help maintain your healthy immune system. Image courtesy of Nathan Cowley, Pexels

Sleep tight

In 1910, most people slept nine hours a night. Now, 40% of adults in the U.S. report getting less than six hours a night. About 30% to 40% of people in the U.S. report experiencing insomnia each year. The movement of inappropriate sleep seems to increase over time. While many of us are aware of the importance of sleep, we do not get enough of it.

There are many things we can do to get good sleep. One of the most important steps is to recognize its importance and make quiet sleep a priority.

Create a sleep climate and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Make sure the bedroom is dark while you sleep and avoid electronic screens before bed. Don’t eat a big meal or drink alcohol late at night. Make friends before you go to bed, letting yourself go. Make sure the pillows and mattress are comfortable for your body type and sleeping position.

Proper hydration

Since every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies depends on proper hydration, it is essential for immune health. The amount of water we need will depend on our activity level, body size, climate, diet and other factors. Although there is no agreed recommendation for water intake, some sources recommend eight glasses a day. One way to make sure you are well hydrated is to drink plenty of water so that your urine is clear and you are not thirsty.

Reduce stress

Because of the strong connection between mind-body, stress has a profound effect on our overall health. While it is not possible to avoid stress, establish healthy habits to help fight. Regular exercise, yoga, meditation, active friendships, laughter, and creative centers are all helpful. Similarly, it is essential to avoid factors that increase stress, such as toxic relationships and excessive consumption.

Gut health

There is more evidence that the health of our gut shapes our physical health. Our midges can affect mental health, body weight, immune health, and disease incidence. Some of the factors that affect gut health are listed above, such as weight reduction, proper hydration, regular exercise, and eating a balanced diet. Also, eating a prebiotic and full probiotic diet can help.

Probiotics are microorganisms that can develop gut flora while inhibiting unhealthy bacteria. Prebiotics help increase the growth and activity of probiotics. Therefore, it is helpful to bring the two together for a balanced split.

A prebiotic-rich diet includes onions, garlic, asparagus, oats, apples, flaxseeds, seaweed, and dandelion greens. Full probiotic foods include raw kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, yogurt (with active or live cultures), kefir, pickles (no grapes), and miso. Also, taking a probiotic supplement can be helpful.

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