‘Spurs always knew Bale was going to be a project’ – Hart inspires Real Madrid loanee

The Tottenham goalkeeper, who has pitched a Welsh forward several times in the past, believes patience in north London will be rewarded

Tottenham always knew Gareth Bale was going to be a “project”, said Joe Hart, with the Spurs goalkeeper salting the mindset of a Real Madrid loanee to north London.

Jose Mourinho moved to a familiar face across the 2020 summer transfer window.

Bale jumped at the chance to take his steps back to the Premier League after being frozen out of the Santiago Bernabeu picture by Zinedine Zidane.

Spurs’ second stint hasn’t played out as expected, with the 31-year-old including just 13 appearances and 160 minutes of Premier League football, but there’s a lot of rust to be shaken off.

Hart points out that Mourinho and Co were aware of that when they agreed to Real’s deal, with Bale getting over slow shots to get a rematch of any kind of game.

It was one of the goals of his latest tour, as Tottenham saw off Wycombe in the fourth round of the FA Cup, and Hart told reporters after that tournament: “We never knew that it would be a project with him and he fully understands that.

“He is here to help the team win and he has proved that on the pitch tonight and several more times. He also does it behind the scenes.

“Of course Gaz is injured but he knows how to look after himself and when appropriate is going to help our team. ”

Bale’s presence doesn’t just help Spurs progress on the field, with one who has four League crowns in his name helping to show your club with a success star what it takes to make big money. to land.

The former England international added that value: “It has been there and done.

“For a club that is trying to get things done, I think it is important that there are boys who have been there and won and who can describe what it takes.

“We talk about a lot but we are a team that wants to win. Two teams win a lot – Manchester City and Liverpool – and we have seven or eight trying to win. So we need to find different ways to win. ”

Bale will be hoping to see more minutes when Tottenham return to the Premier League stage on Thursday with a home date against the Liverpool defense.

Mourinho’s men managed a narrow 2-1 loss to the Reds at Anfield back in December, but Hart believes they can do the damage on home ground.

He said: “We feel the same way we did going into that last game [at Anfield].

“How the 90 minutes play out depends on two quality teams against each other. We know we can win and they know they can win. ”
