South Park: Israel’s vaccination policy has reached American television

Israel also came to South Park: In the episode of the comedy animated series that aired yesterday, a number of sections were devoted to Israel’s vaccination policy. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Ambassador to the United States and United Nations Gilad Ardan shared one of his clips on his Twitter account, in which one of the figures complains about US immunization policy. “It’s ridiculous that people can not enter,” she told the security guard at the entrance. To a local vaccination compound.

Later, she even gets support from another character, who says: “Right, you know that everyone is vaccinated in Israel? Israel is much cooler than this poor place.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared the video on his Twitter account and wrote: “Even in South Park we already know – Israel is coming back to life!”

Arden, who shared the segment, chose to sting the satire program “Saturday Night Live” (SNL), and wrote: “Hey SNL, that’s how you laugh about the plague when it comes to Israel. Watch and learn.”

In another section, an El Al plane arrives in the town with vaccines for the locals. “This is ‘Air Israel’ with enough vaccines for all the adults in the town,” reads one of the figures enthusiastically, just before the plane lands.

As you may recall, in 2010 Israel was also mentioned in the popular series “The Simpsons”. In the 16th episode of the 21st season, the family visited Israel, and toured, among other places, the Dead Sea and Jerusalem.
