Skyrim AI voice engine inspires modders

AI-powered text-to-speech magic continues as Skyrim modders get their hands on an application that generates text-based speech from voice samples from Bethesda games. It has already inspired a trailer with AI-only voice acting and a new mod that gives Skyrim character lines to add a naked figure to a dragon. Oh, the things modders do.

The voice lines are created by an application called SKVA Synth by Dan Ruta that extracts speech based on voice samples from Bethesda games. Ruta twins released different versions of the application for various Bethesda RPGs. Some of the lines created for this fan sound made the Skyrim trailer sound a bit artificial in packing and pronunciation, but a few are pretty convincing.

Ruta explains the technical side of SKVA Synth on the Nexus Mods page of the application, saying that it “revolves around FastPitch [1] databases trained on databases compiled from internal voice action lines. The strengths of this model lie in the artistic control of the created audio. As soon as you quickly generate the audio from your text, you can change the range and length by the editor. ”

As Ruta points out, there are several uses for the claim. Can be used to create voice lines for Skyrim companion mods. It can also be used to create additional lines for existing quests or characters. It has already been used for this mode in which Skyrim characters greet you if you walk around in the nude. They also sound a bit like me, but again, very cute!

Regarding future plans for the device, Ruta says “the plan is generally to keep going down the medium long list of remaining voices, in Bethesda games. I plan to return to some of the voices already released to improve them with further / retraining. “

Between this and the other AI speech tool – which also plans to add voices from Bethesda games – I feel like we’re in for an exciting year in Skyrim modding.

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