Silent Hill creator returns in awe with the first game at New Studio

Yep, that sounds like a Keiichiro Toyama game.

Yep, that sounds like a Keiichiro Toyama game.
Screenshot: Bokeh Game Studio

Keiichiro Toyama, creator of the Silent hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush series, he left Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2020 to open his own company, Bokeh Game Studio. Now, he’s ready to pull the curtain back a bit on his first project, which he says is inspired by the past as an awesome game designer.

In a new video titled “Focus,” Toyama shares his thoughts on the creative process, while engaging in the concept art of the still untitled Bokeh Game’s Studio debate. The preview draws on a game that is very similar to Toyama’s previous work, highlighting monsters and horrible scenes that would be right at home. Silent hill no Siren, with just a little of the elegant taste of Gravity Rush.

“My vision of the horrors of everyday life is to be shaken,” Toyama explains. “Instead of showing scary things, it should question our situation, make us challenge ourselves to live in peace. I love to take [these] the kind of ideas of the concepts. I wish that was the theme of my next game. “

Toyama also mentions raising interest in the recent movement of a “death game” show (think the Danganronpa visual novel series or manga and anime franchise Mirai Nikki) as an incentive. The idea of ​​“regular people being moved to reckless situations,” Toyama says, is likely to emerge in Bokeh’s first game.

While it may not get as much attention or respect from the likes of Hideo Kojima and Shigeru Miyamoto, Keiichiro Toyama is a living legend. And if the Bokeh Game Studio concept art is any indication, his next project is sure to be just as depressing as anything inside. Silent hill no Siren. Bring it forward.
