Side effects: Is this what happens to those who get vaccinated in a second dose of corona?

A 34-year-old nurse from the south of the country who received the second dose of the vaccine began to suffer from side effects two hours later that included headache, dizziness, weakness, muscle aches and tooth stiffness “• And what do the experts say?

D., a 34-year-old nurse living in the south of the country, who does not suffer from background or allergic diseases and does not take medication, was vaccinated in Corona for the second time – and began to suffer from side effects.

To the best of her knowledge, she has not been to Corona before, and has even been examined by Corona several times as part of her job.

In a conversation with the Mako website, she says: “I would not want people not to be vaccinated. It’s just important to me that they know about the side effects of the second vaccine that may be more severe. I received the first vaccine exactly 22 days ago. The vaccine was really fine, it did not hurt me at all. I was in more pain when I was vaccinated against the flu. The only thing that happened after the first vaccine was that my hand hurt in the place of the vaccine for about two days. Besides, I was fine. “

She adds: “In the second vaccine, the injection did not hurt me. I was vaccinated around 10 in the morning, towards noon I started to have really severe nausea and also vomited. I felt I was not functioning. I had a headache, dizziness, weakness. Later in the day I had insane muscle aches, like there are in the flu, that the muscles ache and a little chills. I also had stiffness in my teeth, like when it happens when there is a fever. I felt like I was on fire, that I was really hot. I had severe nausea, could not eat. I had stomach cramps. My body went crazy, I took Dexmol, and took 50 drops of liquid Optalgin. I was only able to fall asleep early in the morning. When I went to the bathroom or stood, I felt weak and quickly went back to bed.

“I got up this morning, I’m weak but fine. I have no nausea and muscle aches, I have no chills, but feel weak.

“When I contacted the storage nurse, she said that the information on side effects can be passed on, and that many people experience more severe side effects with the second vaccine. I talked to two other women here who feel bad after the vaccine. Someone with flu signs who did not come to work today and someone with chills, nausea and muscle aches. “Some of the people who were vaccinated yesterday feel fine.”

Moran, 37, from the Jerusalem area, is a mother of two who works at a hospital. This morning she received the second dose of vaccine and then felt an unusual side effect. “Two hours after I received the second dose of vaccine for Corona, I felt my sense of taste was impaired,” she told News 12. “Everything tastes like perfume or ginger.” I believe it will pass in a few days but I did not think it would happen. “After I received the first dose of the vaccine, I had no side effects.”

A medical intern at one of the hospitals in the center of the country also told about the side effects he experienced: “Two hours after the second dose of vaccine, my hand hurt 5 times more than it hurt with the first vaccine. There is a slight headache, but do not know whether to associate it with receiving the vaccine. I also felt numbness in my fingers and a feeling of weakness. “

Professor Ronit Calderon-Margalit from the School of Public Health at the Hebrew University and Hadassah calmed down, and explained that according to Pfizer’s experiment, after receiving the second dose, the side effects increase. “The research done in Pfizer’s experiment shows that the incidence of local side effects increases greatly after receiving the second dose of vaccine,” she said. “These are symptoms such as fever, fatigue, weakness, chills and muscle aches that are found in more than 50 percent of recipients of the second vaccine.

“These are expected phenomena that should go away within a day or two on their own and there is nothing to fear from them,” Calderon-Margalit added. “It is not recommended to give up the second dose of the vaccine – because it increases the effectiveness to 95 percent. These symptoms are nothing compared to the disease itself. “

Indeed, the results of the Pfizer vaccine show that both adults and young people suffer more from side effects after receiving the second than after the first dose.

According to the experiment, after the first dose about 34% of the participants aged 55 and over experienced weakness, but after the second dose 55% of them suffered from weakness. After the first dose only 3% experienced fever, while after the second dose the figure rose to 21% of the participants in the same age group. 6% of them experienced chills after receiving the first dose, and after the second dose already 23% of the participants experienced chills.

Dr. David Dvir, family physician and head of the Department of Primary Medicine at the United Health Insurance Fund, reassures in a conversation with Mako: “Although we only started the second dose vaccination campaign in Israel yesterday, .

In Israel, one case of anaphylactic reaction was observed (a system crash that required immediate treatment), so far there have been 3 anaphylactic cases in the country – an incidence of one vaccine per half million. That is – severe cases are extremely rare. In any case, when you are not feeling well, you can always consult your family doctor in a frontal or online manner, and in extreme cases you can go to the emergency room. “

Dr. Uri Lerner from the Madat organization adds: “During the experiments, they did see that the frequency of side effects increases in the second dose. However, no serious or long-term effects were documented. In any case, it is important to report any unusual side effects to your family doctor. And it is important to remember – these symptoms do not indicate that the vaccine is dangerous or harmful, but simply that the immune system responds. The goal of the second dose is to increase and preserve the immune memory that is created, so that the vaccine will be effective and long-lasting, and thus prevent the disease. “
