Several women claim: Actor Erez Driggs sexually harassed us

The “Politically Calling” website tonight (Wednesday) revealed several testimonies of women about abusive conduct and sexual harassment of the actor Erez Driggs (“Rehearsals”).

According to the investigation, the actor conducted sexual correspondence with the women, some of them minors, who continued even after they asked him to stop. It was further alleged that Driggs “systematically harmed women in the world of theater and outside it”, and that his behavior led to “the active exclusion of women and prevented them from advancing or at least feeling comfortable in the environment”.

The investigation was published after two weeks ago, journalist Ofir Sagersky posted a post on Facebook, in which she wrote: “Burned on ‘rehearsals’, but it’s time to say that any presence of Erez Driggs in public triggers me to Allah.” Later in the post, she said that Driggs used to send her “sleazy messages” in the past, even though she asked him to stop doing so. “It turns out he did it to a lot of women, and in interviews he says it’s not criminal, and there’s a situation where he’s right. He also says it’s just sleazy and pathetic, but not only that, it’s also offensive,” Sagarsky wrote.

The post provoked a wave of stormy reactions and as a result more women testified that they were sexually harassed by the actor.

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Driggs said in response to the investigation that “the post written by Ofir Sagarsky following my interview with Yedioth Ahronoth flooded my behavior, behavior that harmed her, behavior that harmed others as well. I am aware of that, I understand this well and therefore even before the things she wrote I did everything necessary To change.

Part of that change was writing the series ‘Rehearsals’, which put in awkward and unworthy sides in prime time which I regret and am ashamed of. As part of this change, I also revealed in the same interview with Yedioth the messages, the details of which are presented in part here.

This process is personal, it is not over yet and I hope that in time I can apologize to those I have hurt, but it is important for me to emphasize that I have never let any personal interest influence professional decisions. I will never give up and I outright reject any hint that claims otherwise. “

The Broadcasting Corporation “Here” responded: “Until their publication, the allegations were not known to anyone in the corporation. Here, any disturbing and inappropriate behavior is condemned and if there are complaints, they should be investigated by the police.”
