Second-generation double antibody protects against SARS-CoV-2 and the tested variants

The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB; Bellinzona, Switzerland), which is affiliated with the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) has developed a second-generation ‘double antibody’ that protects against SARS-CoV-2, virus causing COVID-19, and all tested variants. It also prevents the virus from reacting strongly against the treatment.

Antibody-based immunotherapy has already been shown to be effective against COVID-19 but there are two main barriers: it must work against the circulating viral changes; it must prevent new changes, which can quickly follow through a device similar to the one that leads to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

We solved the problem by binding two natural antibodies into one artificial molecule, called a ‘bispecific antibody’, which targets two independent viral sites at the same time.

Preclinical trials have shown that this bispecific antibody strongly neutralizes SARS-CoV-2 and its various variants, including the most recent in the UK circulating in Switzerland and in Europe with more spread.

The bispecific antibodies, but not the first generation, prevent the virus from changing its structure to avoid treatment. Its high bispecific potency and holistic properties make it an outstanding candidate for human clinical trials, with good employment opportunities for both COVID-19 prevention and treatment.

We used our knowledge of the molecular structure and biochemical markers of the virus to dissolve two human antibodies, obtaining one bispecific molecule simultaneously attacking the virus in two independent sites. is essential for infection. Supercomputing simulations allowed us to update and validate bispecific antibody design, which was implemented and tested in the laboratory. Although the virus can suppress and escape the attack of a single first-generation antibody, we have shown that it cannot do so against the double action of the bispecific.. “

Luca Varani, Group Director at IRB and Author of Scientific Work, Università della Svizzera italiana

Davide Robbiani, director of IRB and co-author of the scientific work, said: “IRB and Ticino confirm the position among world leaders in antibody detection and development, particularly against infectious diseases that revealed and neglected.Despite the limited resources, compared to large. -pharma, we achieved our goals in just a few months’.

“One injection of the bispecific antibody provides immediate protection against the disease in preclinical trials. The antibody effectively reduces viral load in the lungs and reduces normal inflammation. in COVID-19 “, said Daniel Ruzek from the Czech Academy of Sciences who led the preclinical antibody trial.


Università della Svizzera italiana

Magazine Reference:

Gasparo, R D., et al. (2020) A bispecific antibody prevents the escape of SARS-CoV-2 and protects mice from infection. bioRxiv.
