Scientists reveal how hot Antarctica will be by 2044 due to climate change, Science News

Climate change is changing life on our planet in every way possible: climate patterns have become more unpredictable, weather is strange as the new norm, and extreme temperatures are common throughout the world. -world.

Now, scientists have predicted the temperature of the Antarctic peninsula in the coming decades. By 2044, the temperature in the Arctic will rise 0.5 to 1.5 degrees Celsius, the study states.

Rainfall on the peninsula is expected to increase by 5-10 per cent around the same time. Rainfall is a threat of ice if it appears in the form of water.

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Lead author of the study, David Bromwich of Ohio State University with IANS, said – “We are concerned about these decisions. We’ve been seeing big changes in general on the peninsula, usually getting warmer and ice shelves and glaciers going out to sea ”.

Antarctica is one of the fastest warming regions on the planet, especially since the 1950s. The most affected part is located in western Antarctica, and is largely covered by mountains. The highest peak is 10,600 feet high!

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The study, published in the journal Climate Dynamics, focuses on simulations of 19 global climate models. Antarctica pests are expected to have the highest temperature drop of 2 degrees Celsius between autumn and winter.

But summer temperatures pose a greater threat to the peninsula’s ice. This means that the peninsula has the double threat – warmer temperatures, and possible rainfall showers, instead of snow.
