Scientists find gigantic exoplanet KELT-9b ‘hotter than 80% of all stars’

An exoplanet mission previously discovered by NASA’s KELT-9 b or HD 195689 b, which was hunting on the planet, is found to be “hotter than the stars” with temperatures higher than the hottest large exoplanet Orb. About the size of Jupiter, the daily temperature of the gloomy exoplanet hit an alarming 7,800º Fahrenheit or 4,300º Celsius, especially so hot according to scientists, that it was literally boiling away in space. “We are fascinated by the wonder that nature gives us,” said B. Scott Gaudi, an astronomer at Ohio State University who led the study published in the journal Nature, and more recently in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.

An astronaut at the Universities Space Research Association in Columbia, Maryland, and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, John Ahlers, explained that the high temperature of KELT-9 b was very strange because the giant exoplanet was near the polar orbit that next to a fast pace. the bright rotating star Sadr and it was strange that he was turned into a “very hot” Jupiter about 670 light-years away. The exoplanet has features like Earth’s moon, about 1.8 times larger than Jupiter, experiences 2 summers, 2 winters, and each season lasts about 9 hours. It moves around its host star in just 36 hours, meaning it needs a hot pole and a cool equator. But scientists found that the spheroid-shaped oblate Kelt-9 b, which was twice the size of the sun, was 56 percent warmer than the sun, and 38 times faster, by comparison.

The thermal shifts may result in an ultra-hot Kelt-9 b atmosphere due to the presence of titanium oxide (TiO), vanadium oxide (VO), iron hydride (FeH), and other metal hydride / oxygen on its surface. , scientists Quentin Changeat and Billy Edwards said in the study. This is the hottest exoplanet yet discovered, with the atmosphere controlled by neutral hydrogen, they reappeared. Scientists analyzed the eclipse spectrum of the exoplanet obtained from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope Wide Range Telescope. Despite being at a speed nearly 10 times greater than Mercury’s exposure to the sun, the kelt-9 b 90 percent hotter than most stars in the universe. This may be due to the chemical and thermal processes that changed the dynamics of the atmosphere.

[Credit:  NASA’S Goddard Space Flight Center]

[Credit:  NASA’S Goddard Space Flight Center/ESA]

Super-Earth Plans

Earlier, NASA’s Satellite Survey Transiting Exoplanet (TESS) similarly discovered three ‘Super-Earth’ planets located in the arable zone, the area around the parent star where melting water appears to be. Astronomers said the positive results were in marking extraterrestrial life outside the solar system with perfect atmospheric conditions. Observed about 73 light-years away from Earth, the trio planets are not in the solar systems and are between the size of Earth and Neptune, packed in the system called TOI-270 reveals a major mysteries of “super-Earths”. TESS saw the planets visible inside the ground-based telescope field and NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) orbiting instrument.

(Image credit: NASA)
