Scientists explain how to benefit from black hole energy

Rotating black holes could respond to the energy needs of future civilizations. As Einstein said, these black holes have a lot of energy that can be tapped into them.

A new study led by physics at Columbia University in the US and the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Chile has looked into ways to harness this black hole power.

The team worked out that energy can be extracted by breaking and reversing on magnetic field lines near the event horizon, where nothing escapes a hole gravity pull. black.

The study was published in Corporate Review D. Wednesday.


“Our theory shows that when magnetic field lines disconnect and reconnect, just in the right way, they can accelerate plasma particles to negative energy and a large amount of black hole energy can be absorbed. extract, “said Luca Comisso, lead author of the study and research. scientist at Columbia University.

Comisso also explained that their research could pave the way for astronauts to work out the spinning of black holes, push the energy eruption of black holes, and could even be a source of power for future civilizations – and perhaps living in a deep place.

The theory behind the study focuses on the premise that the recombination of magnetic fields pushes forward plasma grains in two different directions. One reverses the direction of spinning the black hole, and the other moves in the same direction as the spinning black hole, eventually releasing power if the plasma has a negative energy will bring in the black hole.

This phenomenon is happening in the ergosphere, “where the space-time continuum rotates so fast that everything spins, “Comisso explained. Within the ergosphere, magnetic reconnection is so high that plasma particles move almost at the speed of light.

This is the process of a relatively high velocity between captured and escaped plasma that emits a lot of energy from the black hole.

As Felipe Asenjo, co – author of the study and from the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, said, “We have found that the process of plasma energy can reach a efficiency of 150 percent, much higher than any power plant working on the Earth. “

“It is possible to achieve an efficiency greater than 100 percent because black holes emit energy, which is freely given to the plasma escaping from the black hole.”

The researchers’ study sheds light on the potential use of power in helping future civilizations.

Thousands or millions of years from now, humanity may be able to live around a black hole without using energy from stars, “Comisso said.” It is indeed a technological problem. If we look at physics, there is nothing to stop it. “
