Scientists discover 635 million-year-old small fungus ‘microfossil’

Scientists have found the oldest evidence of a ground fungus in a cave in southern China. According to findings published in the journal Live Science, the “wee microfossil” was found to be over 635 million years old and too microscopic to be seen from the naked eye. The fungus-like pyritized microfossil belonged to the Ediacaran period known as ‘Snowball Earth’, and was rooted in small caves within well-studied sedimentary dolostone rocks in the Doushantuo Formation at Weng’an, South China .

“It simply came to our notice then. At the time, we realized that this could be a fossil that scientists have been looking for for a long time, ”said Tian Gan, Ph.D. a Virginia Tech student said in the study. “If our explanation is correct, it will be helpful to understand the paleoclimate change and early evolution of life,” he said. The primary fungal fossils consist of fibrous filaments of two morphological types and find quantities of organic matter. There are also hollow areas, from which filaments of at least hundreds of microns in length come in a variety of shapes ranging from curved, curved or even straight.

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[Microscopic image of the fungus-like microfossils. Image: © University of Cincinnati]

Catalyzed atmospheric oxygenation

According to the scientists, the ancient plant may have undergone catalyzed air oxidation that led to the evolution of the biosphere, a catastrophic ‘Earthball’ event after Earth, scientists explained in the study. This is because the planet was locked in ice from 750 million to 580 million years ago and the land fungus helped the planet move from frozen iceball to a planet with a variety of ecosystems, according to the research.

[Micrographs of the 635-million-year-old fungus filaments and associated spheres: (a) aggregate of filaments associated with small spheres. Credit: live science journal/Gan et al., doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-20975-1.]

The analysis of the small microfossil of the fungus reveals that it helped with the evolution of the diverse life forms by breaking down minerals and organic matter and recycling nutrients into the atmosphere, added -science emphasis. “Ancient fungi could play a key role in reshaping the Earth’s geochemistry, creating more welcoming conditions that have finally paved the way for terrestrial plants and animals to emerge. , ”The study concluded. A professor of epistemology with the Virginia Tech College of Science (VT) in Blacksburg, Virginia said in the study that there is an “element of serendipity” in the crown. After working with microfossils, one knows what kind of rocks should look at them, “Xiao told Live Science.

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