Scientists are reaching a new milestone in vaccine development for leishmaniasis

Researchers have taken an important step forward in developing a human-controlled infectious model for testing leishmaniasis vaccines.

The York University-led study identified and led a new strain of Leishmania parasite that will form the basis for a new model of controlled human diseases for the disease induced by sandfly bites. The team then brought the parasite to the standards required for use in human clinical studies.

The use of controlled human infectious models has been extremely useful in accelerating the development of vaccines for cholera, malaria, typhoid, influenza and other important infectious diseases. Such models are also being developed as part of the fight against COVID-19.

It is estimated that around a billion people worldwide are at risk of becoming infected with leishmaniasis in more than 98 countries.

Professor Paul Kaye from Hull York School of Medicine who led the study said: “This is an important milestone in the development of the leishmaniasis vaccine, bringing us one step closer to getting the tools. needed to evaluate potentially life-saving or life-changing vaccines in a timely manner. and a cost-effective approach.

“Reducing the financial burden of large-scale clinical trials is particularly important, given the limited funding available to develop vaccines for neglected diseases such as leishmaniasis. ”

The next phase of the research project will try to recruit healthy volunteers to take part in a clinical trial to see how the body responds to the parasite and to find out how many partners are needed. in future vaccine trials to test vaccine efficacy.

Leishmaniasis is characterized by slow skin ulcers that can spread to other areas of the body or mucosal surface causing lifelong stigma, or to the internal organs that may cause visceral leishmaniasis deadly. Conventional drug treatment is insufficient and there are currently no vaccines for human leishmaniasis. It is reported that 1,500,000 new cases and 20,000-30,000 die each year.


Leishmaniasis is common throughout Latin and South America, South Asia, the Middle East, East Africa and in European countries orbiting the Mediterranean.

The research is a collaboration between Hull York School of Medicine, York University, Department of Parasitology at Charles University in Prague, Department of Microbiology and Psychology at McGill University in Montreal, Center for Geographic Medicine and Tropical Diseases at Tel Aviv University, Vibalogics GmbH, Cuxhaven and the Hebrew-Hadassah University School of Medicine in Jerusalem.

The research was funded by a Development Pathways Funding Scheme award from the UK Medical Research Council and the Department for International Development.

The paper entitled, “Character of a new Leishmania prime strain for use in a model of controlled human infection” is published in the journal, Nature Communication.

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