On the occasion of Family Month, an exceptional February and the month of safe web browsing, parents are invited to a series of lectures that will take place during the month of February, led by the local parent centers in the country. The lectures will deal with the subject of parenting, families with special needs, safe web surfing and more.
All meetings are free, pre-registration required, number of places is limited.
You can sign up for several lectures
A link to Zoom will be sent on the day of the meeting by text message and email
Some of the lectures will be broadcast live on the Facebook page of the parent centers “Parents take responsibility”, not all lectures will be broadcast live and / or recorded.
The following is a list of the lectures:
Lectures for Family Month:
7.2 Sunday at 21:00 “This is how it is when there are two” Lecture for parents of twins, lecturer – Hadas Pilzer
8.2 Monday at 21:00 “Positive thinking in parenting and in general” Suitable for all parents, lecturer – Alona Oren
9.2 Tuesday at 20:30 “Cessation of commercials” – what can be learned from TV commercials about the family in our age, suitable for all parents, lecturer – Niva Begin Ben-Ari
10.2 Wednesday at 20:30 “What to do with this anger” Tools and tips for parenting less angry, suitable for parents of young people, lecturer – Shira Pinto
14.2 Sunday at 21:00 “On quarrels between siblings”, suitable for parents of young people, lecturer – Ruth Ganel
16.2 Tuesday at 20:30 “Turn on the light button” on fears and anxieties in children, suitable for parents of young people, lecturer – Dr. Naomi Apple
17.2 Wednesday at 21:00 “From the race for a million to the race for life” on a relationship between reality and reality, suitable for all parents, lecturer Michal Shaviv, participant in the race for a million and parent facilitator
Lectures on the subject of the special family, all lectures are suitable for parents of children with special needs and also for all parents
2.2 Tuesday at 20:30 “Everyone and his tick” on life with Torat Syndrome, lecturer – Daniel Morse
8.2 Monday at 20:30 “Take nothing and turn it into something” The optimistic story of Dr. Einav Vered with ADHD and significant learning disabilities
10.2 Wednesday at 21:00 “Lighthouse of Hope” A personal and touching story of a girl on the spectrum, lecturer – Raz Robes (Danny Robes’ house)
17.2 Wednesday at 20:30 “Good Troubles” Applied Tools for Gifted Parents, Lecturer – Leah Stern
18.2 Thursday at 20:30 “The Journey of My Life” to be a special mother, lecturer Lehi Lapid
Lectures on Safe Browsing
1.2 Monday at 20:30, “Wise Conduct on the Net” Suitable for parents of young children, lecturer – Dana Aviram
1.2 Monday at 20:30 “Safe web surfing and screen addiction, suitable for parents of teenagers, lecturer – Ran Brown
3.2 Wednesday at 20:30 “Children / Adolescents and Agreements” Technological Coexistence, Lecturer – Tamir Leon
14.2 Sunday at 20:30 “Children and youth in front of screens” How to act as parents to reduce the risk? Lecturer – Itai Meller
15.2 Monday at 20:30 “Minors on the Net” Data, arenas and threats, lecturer – Dr. Nava Cohen Avigdor, Hotline 105
15.2 Monday at 21:00 “Risks for Opportunities” Lecturer – Ruth Ganel
To register https://bit.ly/365ZA3S