Saar’s party is the opposite of a Betar compiler

Saar and Shasha-Bitton’s new party guarantees us a tie-dyed and elegant state.
The first jumpers, Handel and Hauser, demonstrated how to act in statehood against a coalition of which they were members until a minute and a half ago, and along the way raise NIS 6 million from the Party Funding Law for the new party coffers. Well, it costs a lot of money to build a “new home for patriotic Israelis,” as the new party called Zvi Hauser; Because in the Likud party and the instigator, there are simply no lovers of the homeland.

Saar: “I will establish a party and I will face Netanyahu” // From Facebook

“I was not coordinated with anyone,” Michal Shir assured us, and I certainly did not do exercises: it is a routine thing for me to wait in the parking lot for a plenary vote. “My conscience does not allow me,” jumps Sharan Hashakel, who was happy about skipping the party under “first leader among equals,” as she puts it. Although without primaries, and the “first leader” will also determine your place – but the main thing is “among equals”.

They have no monopoly on Jabotinsky

Opportunism, cynical exercises funded by parties and manipulations of angles on votes in the Knesset, the holy of holies of democracy – this is how the first week of statehood comes to glory. And all this is accompanied by endless preaching: “We are the state” and “Only with us is statehood” and “We are patriots” and only we have “Hadar Beitar” and “Begin’s way”. “Here are the patriots and the statesmen.” And one can also imagine Begin, whose name has been carried in vain for the past week, whispering:

Handel and Hauser join the storm: “We need an alternative to Netanyahu’s right” // Photo: Contact

Well, not only do you not have a monopoly on the “Betar citrus” and the “Jabotinsky tradition,” you also grossly and manipulatively confuse “statehood” with “elitism.” You were startled by the crooked face you received in the cafe. You bought the look that being “stately” is the same thing, only without all the popularity and talking with your hands. You will not speak with your hands. Most of you have grown up on the path of true democracy from the bottom up, and have skipped to a leader party where your fate, your position and your future depend on the grace of the ruler.

Minister Elkin joins Saar // ‘Tikva Hadasha’ party from Facebook

Well, not only did you not take a step towards stateliness, you turned your back on true stateliness; Yes, clearly so, the true stateliness of Begin and Shamir. They are the fathers of the new Israeli state, which created channels of leadership and opened the Likud to democratic political participation in all walks of life. This political partnership, through the branches, the center, the internal democracy, the primaries for the chair and the list, is the one through which many Israelis can be partners for many decades in shaping the political landscape in Israel. They turned their backs on Begin’s great legacy, the tradition of participatory democracy, which is the core of the new Israeli solidarity.

MK Hashakel announced her joining Saar // from Facebook

This is the Israeli statehood. Yes, it is popular, and vibrant, and passionate – but it is participatory and inclusive. This is the meaning of a People’s Party, as they dreamed and imagined and built in labor and intellect Begin and Shamir.

You decided to abandon this path, and boycotted a clear and distinct path of exclusion. In your party only the leader will decide, and everything will be as you like: a view of spectators and in good taste. This is called elitism, and it has nothing to do with Betar splendor, statehood – and certainly not Begin.
