Saar’s new adviser: “Embassy relocation – ignorance that aided terrorism”

The new chairman of Tikva, Gideon Saar, is known for his hawkish positions and clear right-wing Zionist worldview. However, the senior American adviser whose services he recently hired was less enthusiastic in the past than one of the most prominent Zionist moves in recent years – moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

The adviser, Steve Schmidt, referred in a Twitter tweet in 2018 to the relocation of the embassy and wrote: “Trump has undermined the stability of the region by relocating the embassy.” He said, “His appalling ignorance of history and religion, which led to this decision, is helping the agents of terrorism and chaos. Trump is undermining stability, Hamas terrorists are making provocations, Israel is reacting, and God forbid he is coming back.”

Saar: “I will establish a party and I will face Netanyahu” // Photo: From Gideon Saar’s Facebook page

It should be noted that Schmidt is one of four U.S. advisers hired by Assault, according to a recent report in News 12. The four, Steve Schmidt, Stuart Stevens, Reid Glenn and Rick Wilson, are Republican advisers who previously worked with Bush Jr., McCain, Romney and Schwarzenegger. In the last US presidential election campaign, they founded an organization called the Lincoln Project, which aims to dissuade Republican voters from supporting Trump. Moreover, the organization clearly supported Democratic candidate Biden. It is difficult to determine whether they succeeded in their mission,

A new Tikva party said: “Just as we do not check the personal opinions of all Israeli consultants and employees who work in the campaign, so we do not check the positions of foreign consultants. All consultants do professional work that is not related to personal positions – and the two should not be confused.”

Elhayani: “Supports Saar”

Meanwhile, yesterday the head of the Jordan Valley Regional Council and the chairman of the Yesha Council, David Elhayeni, announced that he was joining Saar’s party. In a statement, he wrote: “Netanyahu has left the values ​​of the Likud, but I will always remain true to the values ​​of the national camp. “The settlement, and promises to apply Israeli sovereignty in the Jordan Valley without sustaining it – is not a right-wing prime minister.”

He said, “I have good friends in the Likud, I love and embrace them, it is difficult to leave the house, the house I love so much – but Netanyahu destroyed it.”

Elhayani // Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

It should be noted that only a few weeks ago, Elhayani said on the Knesset channel: “I was a Likudnik, I remained a Likudnik, and I will do the wars inside the house. Likud is a worldview, it is an agenda, a perception of life.”
