Rumor: Datamine Apparently reveals everything about the new Nintendo Switch review

Switch Console

It’s only the seventh day of the year and we already have wild Nintendo rumors circulating online, so grab some salt and read on.

According to an article over at Wccftech, a well-known dataminer and token extractor SciresM has found “new information” about the rumored Switch ‘Pro’ module by filtering it through firmware code – although the source says that the details could be No it is necessary to be accurate and there is some estimation as well.

With this in mind, it appears that the revised system could be coded using “Aula” and Mariko SoC. In addition to this, it is believed to have appeared both play with dock and handheld, support 4K in some way or another and could include an OLED screen. The Realtek chip may also be in the dock, rather than the system.

Here’s exactly what SciresM had to say, via ResetEra:

Nintendo is definitely working on a new model with updated display material and has been for ~ 1.5-2 years. I personally think it’s 4K with the signs I see in the firmware, but that hasn’t been confirmed yet and it could be wrong.

The new hardware is Aula codenamed, it uses Mariko SoC. There is a handful of references in code (sentiment supports the new presentation that is already in theory).

The album itself certainly has an updated display, I don’t know if it’s 4K.

Aula’s firmware supports some Realtek chip that advertises itself as a “4K UHD multimedia SoC”, too, so I believe it is 4K. That chip may be inside a new slot and not inside the dashboard, however, there is no way to tell from the firmware code yet.

Aula specifically supports handheld mode. It’s not just docked; that is, calcio, which seems to be for indoor only / non-leakage since Calcio does not have a playing card slot and a battery.

You can check the boot sysmodule display code if you know. The new display doesn’t support power management pwm, it has its own vendor specific bs that I had to reverse engineer and activate a month or two ago.

Mariko has better * cooling * and battery life. It is a bona fide decline over the original generation.

My best bet (real profitability, no firmware signal like this) is that if they need extra performance, they push it to higher clocked levels across the board.

But yeah, I think games will be like “enhanced DSi” games, or as some games have benefited from PS4 Pro despite working on PS4.

I took a look at my previous conversations with hexkyz, the OLED screen is the updated tablet display. It may not be a higher resolution tablet itself, so I believe the 4k realk chip is more likely to be a new dock than I thought it was.

Vanilla may not.

We are really profitable. Aula has a new GPIO that doesn’t have a red box associated with support for this, so I’d guess red box units won’t support the new thing.

Switch ‘Pro’ rumors have been circulating for a few years now, and a number of industry analysts remain confident that it will appear sometime this year. You can catch up on the previous developments in our complete guide.

What do you think about all this? Do you think any of this could happen or is it so unlike that fake Nintendo Direct leak? Tell us down in the comments below.
