Rocket Thruster Concept – Goals for Mars 10 Times Faster

Physics has come up with the thrush concept of a new rocket engine that could take humans to Mars ten times faster.

The physicist in question, Fatima Ebrahimi, is the engineer of the idea and is part of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

Ebrahimi’s study was published in the Journal of Plasma Physics.

Thruster engine based on solar flames

One of the main differences between Ebrahimi’s new rocket mackerel concept and others confirmed to space is that it uses magnetic fields to propel plasma particles out of the back of the rocket. So far, the placebo-controlled ones use electric fields to stimulate plasma.

Plasma is one of the four basic states, and is made up of gas ions and free electricity. Our Sun is a member of a combustion plasma that uses fusion refraction, for example.

Conventional plasma thrusters that use electric fields to control these particles only work at low speeds. However, the new concept of Ebrahimi plasma was able to create a thrush with speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second – or ten times faster than conventional thrushes.

This means that if used, astronomers could reach outer planets much faster. The thrushes would greatly increase the start of the trip, ultimately reducing the travel time of the entire trip.

Ebrahimi pointed out that there are three main differences between her proposed rocket mackerel concept and the current ones. The first uses magnetic fields that offer a greater range of strain power. Second, the new concept creates movement as it emits plasma and plasmoid particles; the latter adds extra power to the thrush. And finally, magnetic fields allow plasma inside the thrush to absorb light or heavy atoms. This allows scientists to plot the thrush power according to each mission.

This work was inspired by past fusion work and is the first time plasmoids and recombination have been proposed for space movement, “Ebrahimi said.” The next step is to build a prototype, “she continued.
