Researchers identify a possible cause of a functioning neurological disorder

Researchers believe they have discovered a possible cause in a state of secrecy that may leave victims suddenly unable to walk, talk or see.

It is hoped the study – led by York University Medical University and Hull York and supported by the NHS Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Trust – will pave the way for new treatments for reversal disorders that affect around 800,000 people in the UK alone.

The condition, also known as neurological function disorder (FND), causes physical symptoms that would manifest neurologically but doctors cannot find an injury or physical condition to explain them.

Professor Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis from the Department of Health Sciences is leading the Neuro-Inflammation Observation and Disorder (CANDO) study. This pilot study is the first in a research program to examine how turnover / FND disorder can cause, and to develop and evaluate new therapies.

Initial findings suggest that a reversal disorder may be caused by a low-level inflammatory process that affects gene expression, which is the process by which the direction in our DNA is converted into a product. action, such as protein. Protein does most of the work in cells and is essential for the structure, function and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.

This is a very difficult situation for people to live with and one that is often overlooked by the fact that the medical professional does not have the answers. People living with the condition can become very depressed and isolated, often losing jobs and social networks through which they cannot communicate or become ill. Patients can also suffer from memory and concentration problems. “

Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis, Professor, Department of Health Sciences, York University

“We made the finding by examining inflammation levels in blood samples from patients with FND that had similar symptoms similar to stroke. They were found to be higher than normal. Also, levels appeared to play a part. microRNA in the blood and this affects the expression of genes in the cell. “

“These initial results deserve further study and reproduction in larger samples before we can reach robust conclusions.”

CANDO researchers hope the new study will help develop new treatments, as previously given treatments for people with reversal disorder have often not helped reduce the symptoms.

Annie, a patient involved in the CANDO study, says: “It’s a relief to suddenly find out that there may be a cause for this condition. I can’t wait for treatments to could be developed as a result of this work. “


Magazine Reference:

Feltz-Cornelis, CD, et al. (2021) Evaluation of cytokines, microRNA and outcome measures associated with patients in reversal disorder / neurological function disorder (CD / FND): A CANDO clinical feasibility study. Brain, Behavior, & Immunity – Health.
