Researchers create a bone replica using a hot nano-chisel

Holy grail for orthopedic study is a way to not only create an artificial bone graft that certainly matches the real thing, but does so in such microscopic detail that it contains tiny structures that may be important for gas cell differentiation, which is important in bone regeneration.

Researchers at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and the New York Stem Cell Foundation Research Institute (NYSF) have taken a big step by creating the true replica of bone using a system that repairs biothermal images the “nano-chisel.”

In a study, “Cost-Effective Literature and Time of Reusable Millimeter Bone Marrow Reactions with Sub-15 nm Feature Size on Biocompatible Polymer,” which appears in the journal Advanced action materials, the researchers detail a system that allows them to carve, in biocompatible material, the exact structure of the bone, with properties less than the size of a single protein – a billion times less than a meter. This platform, known as bio-thermal scanning probe lithography, takes a “photograph” of the bone material, and then uses the image to make a bona-fide replica. off.

The team, led by Elisa Riedo, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at NYU Tandon, and Giuseppe Maria de Peppo, Chief Investigator Ralph Lauren at NYSF, showed that it is possible to scale bio-tSPL to son -produce bone model that makes sense for biochemical studies and applications, at an affordable cost.

These bone replicas support the growth of bone cells derived from the patient’s own gas cells, creating the potential to initiate new stem cell applications with extensive research and therapeutic potential. This technology could detect drug transformation and lead to the development of better implants and orthopedic devices.

The research, “Cost and time-efficient spelling of a reusable millimeter-sized bone replica with a sub-15 nm feature size on a biocompatible polymer,” appears in Advanced action materials.

In the human body, cells live in specific environments that control their behavior and support fine regeneration through the transmission of morphological and chemical signals at the molecular scale. In particular, bone marrow stem cells are rooted in a fibrous matrix – accumulations of collagen molecules, bone proteins, and minerals. The hierarchical structure of bone consists of a collection of micro-structures and nano-structures, the complexity of which has hindered their reproduction by conventional manufacturing methods to date.

TSPL is a powerful nanofabrication method that my lab started a few years ago, and is currently being implemented using a commercially available instrument, the NanoFrazor. However, to date, limitations on throughput and biocompatibility of the materials have precluded its use in biological research. We are very pleased that we have broken these barriers and introduced SPL to biochemical applications. “

Elisa Riedo, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NYU Tandon

The time and cost-effectiveness, as well as the cell compatibility and reproducibility of the bone replicas, make bio-tSPL an affordable platform for regenerating surface. perfectly reproduce any biological material with unprecedented precision.

“I am excited about the precision achieved by using bio-tSPL. A bone-mimetic surface, like the one reproduced in this study, creates unparalleled opportunities for cell biology. understanding and modeling of bone diseases, and for the development of more advanced drug screening platforms, “said de Peppo. “As a print engineer, I am excited that this new platform could help us create more effective orthopedic implants to address skeletal and maxillofacial deficiencies caused by injury or disease.”


NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Magazine Reference:

Liu, X.,. et al. (2021) Cost-Effective Literature and Time of Reaction Bone Size Reusable millimeter size with feature size under-15 nm on a biodegradable polymer. Advanced action materials.
