Researchers are reviewing data related to the high number of cancer deaths in China

In the last century or so there is an unprecedented technological, scientific and socio-evolution in the world. These have been accompanied by global trends in human lifestyles and rapid changes in the environment, both natural and man-made. An unfavorable outcome of these changes is the growing cancer burden on human society.

As the most populous country, China has borne this burden significantly. Despite the great progress China has made in health care since the 1950s, cancer has become a major killer in the country. In 2015, nearly 2.4 million lives were caught by the disease. Cancer lies hidden for years before it appears; so perhaps, his burden will not continue to grow in the coming decades.

But when you break down those numbers by cancer type and risk factor, what do the relevant trends look like? A group of researchers reviewed data from various national mortality studies, cancer records, and online databases to find out.

Discussing the reasons for conducting the review, lead researcher Dr. Wanqing Chen, Director of the Office of Cancer Screening, National Cancer Center / National Clinical Research Center for Cancer / Cancer Hospital, China: “This review could provide scientists and policy – makers with a tool to find out what works, what’s important, and what’s expected. “The paper is published Open Access in Biology & Treatment of Cancer.

The team’s study of 22 Chinese tablets showed an increase in cancer incidence from 2000 to 2011, with the increase largely due to increased incidence of colorectal, prostate, breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers. Interestingly, the numbers of liver, esophageal and stomach cancers decreased significantly. This could be due to the current widespread nationwide hepatitis B vaccination as well as an overall improvement in food preservation practices and living conditions.

Cancer mortality data from 1990 to 2015 mirrored the frequency data with rising mortality rates in colorectal, pancreatic, and breast cancer cases and falls rates seen in stomach, esophageal, and liver cancers. However, although the burden of these high gastrointestinal cancers has dropped significantly, it is still a heavy burden.

Between 1990 and 2017, lung cancer climbed to the top of the list of different types of cancer that relied on years of healthy life lost by illness, disability, or death (disability-modified life years, DALYs). The second and third lines contained liver and stomach cancers.

Unfortunately, further research shows that many of these cases and deaths could have been prevented. Data from the National Cancer Center, China, attributes 45% of cancer deaths in the country to variable risk factors – behavioral, clinical, or environmental.

For example, 23.8% of cancer deaths among men and 4.8% among women in 2014 are due to smoking. From 1990 to 2017, cancer deaths by smoking increased by more than 150%. With China currently consuming around 40% of the world’s tobacco, unless habits change, the future looks bleak.

In addition to smoking, lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet, and heavy alcohol consumption are major behavioral risk factors for cancer; diabetes, obesity, and infectious diseases are obvious clinical risk factors; and air pollution, as well as occupational exposure to carcinogenic compounds such as soot, asbestos, and silica, are important environmental risk factors.

However, even in these dark times there is the appearance of light. Technological advances combined with good health care and insurance policies and a growing general awareness among the population may have contributed to the improvement in cancer survival rates seen between 2003 and 2015.

Taking all this essential information together, it can be seen that it is very important to implement cost-effective approaches to primary prevention. Our paper highlights the need for collaborative efforts with government, public health bodies, and the people to reduce the cancer burden in the country. We hope our work can inform policies such as Healthy China 2030. “

Dr. Wanqing Chen, Director, Cancer Screening Office, National Cancer Center / National Clinical Research Center for Cancer / Cancer Hospital, China

The successful implementation of policies based on such research in China and around the world may be able to lift the burden of cancer off the shoulders of the world.
