Research Shapes Safe Dentistry During COVID-19 – ScienceDaily

A major study at Newcastle University has been used to shape how dentistry can be performed safely during a Covid-19 pandemic by mitigating the risks of dental aerosols.

Coronavirus is known to spread in airborne particles, moving around rooms to attract people, and this has been a key consideration when looking into the safety of patients and clinicians. .

Research, published in the Journal of Dentistry, has led the way in shaping national clinical guidelines for the profession to operate effectively in challenging situations.

The findings were used by the Council of Dental Schools, the Association of Dental Hospitals and the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Program to guide key Covid-19 policies for the profession.

Search results

Research has shown that aerosol-generated methods – such as root canal fillings and manipulations – can spray aerosol and saliva grains from dental instruments long distances and contaminate significantly depending on the processes used.

In the clinic’s open settings, dental juice significantly reduced contamination at sites further away from the patient, such as bays five meters away. The distant sites were often unpolluted or detected if it was at very low levels, attenuated by 60,000 – 70,000 times.

It was also discovered after 10 minutes, that very little contaminated extra aerosol had settled on the surface so it is a convenient time for surgical clean up after aerosol generation procedure.

Dr Richard Holliday, NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Restorative Dentistry at Newcastle University, UK, said: “Our research has developed our understanding of dental aerosol procedures and identified the potential for cross-contamination. a threat to the release of Covid-19.

“With the onset of the pandemic, dental services were greatly reduced and there was an urgent need for the profession to focus on how dental clinics could operate in a safe environment for patients and staff.

“We now have a much greater understanding of where the splatter aerosols go and how far they travel through different modes and conditions, allowing clinical teams to make informed decisions to to protect people.

“I am pleased that our research here in Newcastle upon Tyne has been used nationally to guide key dental organizations to inform their policies on how the profession should carry out procedures at the time. pandemic. “

Collaborative effort

The study was carried out by a research team from the School of Dental Sciences, comprising clinicians, dental nurses, microbiologists and scientists.

The team used the tracer dye, fluorescein, while performing aerosol generation methods on a dental mannequin to examine how far and where aerosol particles and saliva traveled from the patient’s mouth.

Different methods were performed and the effect of switch and ventilation was studied. Experts looked at pollution nearby and also in an open plan clinic.

Kimberley Pickering, research dental nurse involved in the study, said: “For a safe reopening of dental services, it was essential to understand the behavior of the aerosols that come out of a patient ‘s mouth during dental work.

“We now have a better understanding of where aerosols go and how far they travel through different modes and situations.

“We also understand how dental aerosols settle over time, which has helped inform cross-disease control methods.”

Further research will continue to focus on where aerosol and droplets from dental instruments travel and how far they go. Experts will also look at how long aerosols hang around in the air and examine a number of common dental procedures and ways to control aerosols.

A key part of the research will be examining whether viruses can be carried in dental aerosols, and whether viruses are still infectious at a distance from the approach. This will help experts understand how to reduce the risk of microbes, such as Covid-19, being exposed to aerosols during dental treatment.

Student case study

The research prompted the team to develop a new clinic arrangement to allow dental students and their patients to return safely.

The Newcastle University School of Dental Sciences is one of the first universities in the country to begin teaching aerosol generation methods to students in person at the time of the pandemic.

Fourth year student Paddy Crawshaw said: “Being a dental student during the pandemic has been a major challenge, but dental students feel fortunate to come into the University every day. day and receive personal tuition as it is an honor to treat our patients.

“The School of Dentistry has been very supportive since the outbreak began. It is clear that senior clinicians and academics have worked hard behind the scenes to allow us to return to clinical teaching.

“The common goal of delivering high quality treatment to our patients has enhanced the sense of community of the School of Dentistry and has helped me through this term.

“I am proud of the way Newcastle Dental School and its staff and students have come together to combat adversity through the Covid-19 pandemic. To know that we are one of the first schools in the country to offer a full range of students. -led treatments for our patients makes me lucky to learn here.

“As a result of the School’s extensive research I have never felt dangerous, whether it is a tooth extraction or a simple examination I know that the School’s protocols allow me to to work safely. “
