Read Justin Bieber’s heartfelt letter to Billie Eilish

If you didn’t know Billie Eilish was Justin Bieber ‘s great poem, you know for sure after you watch Billie Eilish: Blurry Little World.

Directed by RJ Cutler, Billie Eilish’s new documentary – which began streaming on Apple TV + on Friday – takes fans behind Eilish’s business writing her debut album, which won a Grammy alongside her brother Finnis O’Connell at their child’s home in 2018, as well as being on the road with Eilish to her first Coachella performance. But the most interesting moment of the film is not about Eilish and her music, but right now that she meets the idol of her youth.

As Eilish explains to the host of a radio talk show, she was intrigued by Justin Bieber when she was 12-years-old, as were so many 12-year-old girls across the country. She knew everything about him, down to the moment he was born. So when Bieber reaches out to Eilish not only for cooperation but to meet, you can hardly blame the 17 – year – old for losing her feelings.

The two musicians meet in the crowd at Coachella, with Cutler and his film crew capturing the moment. At first, Bieber just looks at Eilish hard. Then, finally, they chew. It’s more than a hug, really – Eilish sticks to it, while stroking her hair lightly. It’s incredibly sweet and intimate, and it almost feels wrong to indulge in their moment.

Justin Bieber and Billie Eilish
Photo: Apple TV +

But wait, there’s more. After they meet, Bieber sends a message of thanks and encouragement to Eilish, who reads it out for the camera. It’s so sweet, so real, and so heartfelt, that it’s hard not to feel emotional when you hear it, no matter if you’ve ever been at the Bieber level.

The young musician reads out the note from Bieber, her voice bursting with emotion, and tears streaming down her cheeks:

Tonight is a time when I am reminded of what I mean to people. Your love for me touched my heart. You are so special, not for what you can do, but for who you are. Remember that. Your aura and presence is so great to me. You carry a heavy call. You are an idol to so many. I’m excited to see you succeed. You are more than special. Thank you for tonight. It meant just as much to me as it meant to you. I also want to let you know that it feels like yesterday I was 15 singing “One Time,” and now I’m 25, and that was 10 years ago. It flew like a flash. Enjoy every minute of what you get. Embrace it as a whole, believe you are great, but no more than anyone.

At this point, Eilish is overcome – in a good way – as she throws her head back and laments.

Billie Eilish crying
Photo: Apple TV +

You can’t help but feel like you’ve moved on for those two young musicians, who are both going through something very intense and bizarre. Bieber clearly understands the pressure that Eilish feels in a way that no one else can – and that he wants to help her.

Eilish’s mother, Maggie Baird, feels the same way. She later says in a separate interview that she considered taking young Billie to treatment for her Justin Bieber fever. “She loves, just as she does, in deep love with Justin Bieber!”

For Baird, watching her daughter meet her idol was moving. “She couldn’t process it, she couldn’t process it,” Baird told the camera, feeling emotional. “She moved her arms, she was crying, and it was so sweet to her, and it meant so much to her, and it seems to mean a lot to her. Your heart kinda breaks for him, because he is 25 years old. That’s so young, you can’t even work so young. ”

You can’t help but feel like you’ve seen the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Look Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry on Apple TV +
