Rape in Ashkelon: Another complaint was filed against the main defendant in the case

Rape in Ashkelon: Another complaint was filed against the main defendant in the case

After last week an indictment was filed against Aharon Moshe Zino and four other young men for gang rape, today (Monday) another complaint was filed, third in number, against Zino. The complainant, a young woman in her 20s from Jerusalem, claims that Zeno committed a serious sexual offense on her several years ago after they met.

The young woman joins two other complaints filed against Zeno after his name and photo were published on the networks, with the first being filed only one day after the indictment was filed, by a young woman from Ashdod who claims that she had a relationship with Zeno several years ago, when they were both minors. According to her, Zeno raped her and as a result she became pregnant and had an abortion. After that, the complainant claims, the connection between them was severed.

Women's protest against rape culture (Photo: Tomer Neuberg, Flash 90)Women’s protest against rape culture (Photo: Tomer Neuberg, Flash 90)

According to her, when the picture of Zeno was published, in the case of gang rape in Ashkelon, she remembered him as the one who also raped her and decided to complain to the police. The police are now examining her version and at the same time Zeno will be questioned on suspicion of his involvement in the other affair from the past.

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The second complaint was filed yesterday, according to which another young woman, the complainant, was raped in an apartment in Ma’ale Adumim, after the complainant claimed that the two met in the city.
