Ramat Negev Council Chairman: Netanyahu waived the Negev

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Ramat Negev Council Chairman: Netanyahu waived the Negev
Map of the Century Plan

Eran Doron claims that it is unfortunate to see that the Prime Minister of Israel is willing to give up Jewish settlement in the Negev in exchange for preserving Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria

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Following the publication of the US President’s Century Plan, which includes Palestinian control of Fatah Nitzana in the Negev, Eran Doron, head of the Ramat Hanegev Regional Council, said it was unfortunate to see the Israeli prime minister willing to give up Jewish settlement in the Negev in exchange for Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria.

“This is more than someone who claims to be Ben-Gurion’s successor. The Negev is not for sale. I suggest that the prime minister come to the development of Nitzana before he agrees to give it up. Presumably, preserving Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria is more important than Jewish settlement in the Negev,” he said.

date: 28/01/2020 | Updated: 28/01/2020

Itzik Wolf

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Ramat Negev Council Chairman: Netanyahu waived the Negev

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The President of the United States, Donald Trump, presented (Tuesday, 28.1.20) the main points of his political plan for the Middle East. At a press conference he held at the White House, he said that this was a historic opportunity for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This map will double the area controlled by the Palestinians, we will also recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinians – East Jerusalem. “No Palestinian or Israeli will be deported from his home,” he said.

Initial leaks are contradictory regarding US President Donald Trump’s political plan. According to IDF waves, this is a four-year freeze on construction in all settlements or a four-year planning freeze in Area C. At the same time, the Palestinian Authority will pledge to disarm Hamas during this period, and then it will be able to establish a Palestinian capital with its capital, Abu Dis, the village near Old Jerusalem.

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Menachem Rahat
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