Public confidence in the NHS is able to deal with Covid at the lowest level since the onset of the crisis – poll | World news

Public confidence in the NHS ‘s ability to manage the high number of people severely diagnosed with the pandemic has dropped to its lowest level since the outbreak began. -hut, new polls show.

Just six out of 10 believe the health service is able to provide proper care to those with Covid-19, and more than 37,000 of them are now in hospital. That is the lowest percentage since Ipsos Mori pollsters began asking Britons about the subject in March.

The proportion of people who are not confident in the NHS ‘s capacity has risen to 35%, just 1% below the March peak of 36%.

Public confidence has fallen 12 points from 72% in November. That fall coincided with widespread media coverage of the growing crisis in hospitals. The worst affected are in London and the south-east and east of England, with the new variant of the coronavirus blamed for an increase in cases.

Graph of public confidence in the NHS ‘s ability to manage Covid

Queues of ambulances have arisen outside many hospitals, with A&E units too busy to admit patients. Intensive care units need to expand and narrow the normal nurse-to-patient staffing ratios. One hospital in the capital grew so big that it had to undergo “accident treatment”.

On Friday, it emerged that the staff at Norwich and Norfolk University hospitals were so small that he had to resort to military physicians to support his staff. Hospitals have been left short of key staff due to the highest numbers of frontline staff – 15% in some areas – being off sick or lonely due to the virus.

Confidence has suddenly fallen in London, where it is now at 54%, Ipsos Mori found. That’s down from 67% in November and lower than the previous low of 55% seen in March. Four in 10 Londoners say they lack confidence in the NHS’s ability to cope.

“The current situation facing the NHS is dire and this was highlighted in the media last month,” said Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, who represents trusts. The NHS in England. It is therefore incomprehensible that public confidence in the ability of the NHS to handle the pressures created by Covid-19 has plummeted.

“The fact that confidence has fallen in most of London, where the pressure is greatest, shows that both issues – the level of pressure under which the NHS is under and confidence in the NHS to handle that pressure – totally connected.

“For months now, the public has been against daily reports of critically ill patients, stressed services and tired workers. This survey reflects the current pressures on the NHS. “

Ipsos Mori interviewed a representative sample of 1,065 British adults aged 18-75 online from 8 to 11 January. The data were calculated according to the population profile.

“Public confidence in the NHS has fallen to its lowest level in the pandemic, driven by media coverage of pressured hospitals,” said Ben Page, chief executive of Ipsos Mori. “In one sense this may be helpful, in encouraging the public to maintain a social pace, but the challenge arises in the wake of the pandemic when waiting lists are likely to occur. to be of the highest standards. ”

There is confidence in the ability of the health service to separate sharply according to party political lines. While 72% of those who voted Conservative at the 2019 general election said they were confident, only 56% of Labor voters said the same.

“As the pandemic progresses, we need to see a wider impact on public confidence in the NHS, once waiting times are much longer and ongoing staff shortages subside. , ”Said Richard Murray, chief executive of King’s Fund.

“This may not be as much of a threat to the NHS as it appears, as public pride and confidence in the NHS as an institution is generally high. The public understands the great efforts made by the NHS and its staff through the Covid crisis and, just as in past crises, they could make them look elsewhere for someone to blame – with the government usually at the top of the list, he said.

A spokesman for the Department of Health and Social Care said: “The NHS is pulling out all stops to tackle the biggest global health risk in a century, while also ensuring that people of all ages can access on the services they need.

“We want to support the NHS in every way possible, investing £ 52bn this year and £ 20bn next year to help the health service fight coronavirus.

“The government is working hard to ensure that the NHS has sufficient capacity to meet increased demand and can continue to provide essential hospital care and services to those who need it. ”
