Prof. Hezi Levy: “Following the increase in morbidity, we are considering further steps”

The Director General of the Ministry of Health, Prof. Hezi Levy, delivered a live briefing today (Thursday), in which he referred to the increase in morbidity: “Today there were about 5,250 verified patients with 91,900 tests. The verified rate is high, 6.2% and we recognize the increase in all sectors. “

He later referred to the vaccination campaign and said that “Israel is the world champion in the number of vaccinations per day for 100 people. So far about 800,000 Israeli citizens have been vaccinated, both yesterday and yesterday 150,000. Today we are at the same rate only the final numbers will be updated later. % Of the population over the age of 60 – vaccination, and the total number of vaccinated, about 60% over the age of 60. There are more populations.There are 257 stations spread in the country, and tomorrow we will open another 70 stations, we go to smaller cities, in the periphery, and to sectors “Like, for example, the Arab sector.”

Regarding rumors that there will be a two-week break in the administration of the vaccines, he confirmed and said that until the 10th, about 2 million residents will be vaccinated and there will be a two-week delay until he is vaccinated again in the first dose. We have planned a certain vaccine, and there is a delay in the arrival of some of the vaccines in Israel, so there will be a delay of about two weeks from the end of the first dose vaccination to another start of the first vaccine. During this time, we will vaccinate the second vaccine for those who have arrived on time. “This is currently the plan, unless it is changed by the advent of more vaccines, I hope I will be deceived and more vaccines will come.”

Regarding the mutation: “It still exists, in European countries not only in England, the tightening and closure is increasing in areas where the mutation is common. We in the State of Israel, ask all returnees to give tests, enter isolation, regardless of which country they came from, and after two tests, for ten days Isolation and if no disease has developed, they can come out of isolation.

What we do know about this mutation is that it is more contagious, passes faster, but it has not lengthened or worsened. It remains the same disease and the vaccine we give as well as the modern vaccine, are not affected. That is, they affect the virus. The virus is not resistant to the vaccine. “

Corona vaccine (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)Corona vaccine (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)

“If we continue at this rate of morbidity we will double the number of critically ill patients”

When asked what they intend to do to curb the disease, he replied that “we are following the increase in all its indices and we “We are planning additional steps that we may need to take in order to reduce the morbidity, including aggravation: reduction of studies, reduction of traffic, reduction of employees, we are examining the state of the disease and preparing these steps for submission was and will be necessary.”

He reiterated: “If we continue at this rate of morbidity and fail to reduce it, we will double the number of serious patients, and reach insufficiency and mortality, so we think we may need to impose more restrictions. We will wait some more time to see the effects of this closure.”
