Prince Harry’s documentary for Apple TV + could air in the spring

A documentary from Prince Harry of Britain released on Apple TV + in 2020 in the spring of 2021 is now expected, delayed due to a move to the United States, citing official Royal Family duties. , and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Originally announced in April 2019, Duke of Sussex Prince Harry is working on a series for Apple TV + about mental health. Although the show was expected to air in 2020, sources say a number of factors have made the project stop.

Royal insiders told the UK Grian several factors influenced the production of the presentation, including chronic COVID-19 pandemic disease. A decision by Harry and his wife Meghan to stop fulfilling official duties for the Royal Family in March 2020 and then move to the United States has also played a part in delaying the project.

The main events have changed in filming for the show, although it is not clear what effect the delay had on production. Defendant explained that the news of the postponed production was kept secret because “delays never look good.”

Although no official date has been released for the program, it is expected to be seen sometime in the spring, a delay to come.

The untitled series follows the years of the Duke’s mental illness campaign, sparking a debate on the subject. The show would be about mental health worldwide, rather than just the UK.

“Our hope is that this series will be positive, enlightening and inclusive – sharing global stories of a unique human spirit fighting back from the darkest places, and the opportunity for ourselves and better understand those around us, ”Harry said in 2019.“ I am extremely proud to be working with Oprah on this essential series. “
