Preliminary findings from a Pfizer study: “The vaccine we produced for Corona is effective against mutations in South Africa and the United Kingdom”

The vaccine of the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer is probably effective against the British mutation and the South African mutation. This was reported today (Friday) in the Reuters news agency based on a study published by Pfizer.

Netanyahu on the vaccination agreement: “Allows us to vaccinate all Israeli citizens over the age of 16 until the end of March” // Photo: GPO

Pfizer’s study, which has not yet been published for peer review, was conducted in collaboration with scientists at the University of Texas in the US.

According to scientists and medical sources, the new mutations, and in particular from South Africa, may be more contagious and responsible for the accelerated spread of the virus. As a result, there has been a growing concern that existing vaccines approved for use may be less effective against the new mutations.

The Reuters news agency reported that the study itself was based on laboratory experiments performed using blood taken from people who received the vaccine. It was further noted that the findings of the present study are limited, as it did not examine the totality of the mutations found in the newer versions of the virus.

Pfizer: The vaccine is probably effective against various mutations in the virus // Photo: AFP

According to the Ministry of Health, “in light of the success of the vaccination campaign in Israel and the high response of the public to get vaccinated, and in order to avoid a shortage of vaccines in the country, the Ministry of Health asked Pfizer to bring forward vaccinations.
