Perugi – Music – Order in the drama surrounding the new song by the “High School Musical” star

In the past year, the series “High School Musical” (the remake of ‘High School Musical’) has appeared on Disney Plus, starring Olivia Rodrigo (17) and Joshua Bast. During the broadcast to Olivia he had a partner and Josh, who was rumored to have fallen in love with her, apparently wrote his song “Anyone else” about it. Rumor has it that Josh and Olivia apparently started developing a relationship after the song came out, but also managed to break up.

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Recently Josh has been hanging out a lot with actress and singer Sabrina Carpenter (Maya from “Riley’s World”) and even dressed up together on the last Halloween, which caused a lot of rumors about their romantic relationship (pretty much matched in the song).

The thing is, four days ago, Olivia released her song “Drivers License”, in which she is portrayed as talking about Josh, the breakup and the new relationship he is in. Josh actually pardoned the ex and uploaded a story in which he promotes the song, but Olivia, who according to reports and conspiracies overseas is hurt by the whole story, decided not to share it.

The song is a great success and is currently in the first place in the hundred most successful songs in the world. Even Taylor Swift, whom Olivia admires, responded to her on the song. We are waiting for the development in the plot, and in the meantime continue to hear the song in rehearsal.
