Patients with diabetes on glucose-lowering drugs are at risk from rare covid-19 complications,

EuDKA is a subset of the diabetes problem called DKA, which occurs when the body’s cells do not make enough glucose and compensate for fat metabolism. instead, creating an accumulation of acids called ketones.

EuDKA differs from DKA in that it is characterized by lower blood sugar levels, making it more difficult to diagnose.

Underlying almost all euDKA cases is a state of hunger that can be triggered by illnesses that cause vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite and may be more severe. exacerbated by the diuretic effect of SGLT2i drugs, noted the study published in the Clinical Society of Endocrinologists of America. Case reports.

“Our background experience is in recognizing that SGLT2 inhibitors can cause DKA and euDKA,” said co-author Naomi Fisher from the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Hypertension.

“Our report emphasizes that if patients are ill or missing food or are in a hurry, they should stop their medication and not start. again until they are well and eating right. “

The authors also suspect that Covid-19 could significantly increase the risks of euDKA.

When the virus catches a patient, it binds to cells on the pancreas that produce insulin and can cause toxic effects.

Earlier studies on the SARS-CoV-1 virus found that many infected patients had elevated blood sugar.

“It was built through other models that the virus could destroy insulin-producing cells,” Fisher said.

The authors urge patients and physicians to discontinue the use of SGLT2i in the event of an illness, which is already a common practice for the most common diabetes drug, metformin.

(This story was published from a syndicated feed. Only the headline and the photo are edited by FIT)
