Patients with 2 differentiated coronavirus in Brazil

Two patients in Brazil are infected with two different strains of the coronavirus at the same time in what is thought to be the first evidence of simultaneous coexistence of different strains of SARS-CoV-2 in the human body.

The findings, although not yet published in a scientific journal or peer-reviewed, have only added to growing concerns about the growing number of headaches. southern Brazil and the rest of the world.

Patients, both in their 30s, were reported to be positive for both P.2 from line B.1.1.28 of the coronavirus detected in Rio, and the second version of the virus that emerged at the end of November. The cases showed different but mild symptoms that did not cause hospitalization, with the first reporting dry cough and the second suffering from cough, sore throat and headache. The researchers shared their findings in a post on the medical website medRxiv on Wednesday last week.

This finding highlights the growing problem of various changes surrounding the globe and the potential for changes in the new variables to grow rapidly if they could capture the same body at the same time. one time. Such concerns have prompted new challenges in the fight against COVID-19, such as finding ways to combat increased mobility and finding tweaks to prevent changes. new from opposing vaccines currently being developed.

“These co-diseases can generate a combination and generate new changes even faster than has been the case. It would be another evolutionary pathway for the virus, ”said Fernando Spilki, the study’s lead researcher and pathologist at Feevale University in Rio.

The mutations in coronavirus mutations identified in Britain and the Brazilian state of Amazonas indicate that they are significantly more contagious. Spilki affects the likelihood of co-infections for cases where there are high viral loads of various viruses in the area, as happened in Brazil.
