Overseas insurance policy: Companies continue to sell, countries have become red

Leading insurance companies, including Harel and Clal Insurance, were quick to announce yesterday (Sunday) the resumption of sales of travel insurance policies abroad, when they will be sold at rates that were acceptable before the crisis. The Ministry of Health to make red countries all destinations abroad, without any distinction.

The implication of the decision is that Returns from abroad will be charged for 14 days in solitary confinement unless they undergo a corona test, Then the isolation will be shortened to ten days. The cabinet’s decision drew strong protests from travel agencies and airlines, including Israir and Arkia. Maariv has learned that following the decision, thousands of Israelis have traveled to the Emirates (especially to Dubai) and the Seychelles in recent days, two destinations that have become the most popular destinations among Israelis in recent weeks.

Either way, the insurance companies’ decision to sell the policies is conditional on them being sold only to the person who received the green passport (after being vaccinated against the virus) or another approval to receive the vaccine. Harel recently launched An innovative application, through which the insured can purchase travel insurance abroad and can also locate a doctor abroad through payment by bit.

“With the start of the corona vaccination campaign, it was decided in Harel to resume the issuance of insurance policies to those leaving for the United States,” Harel said. As stated on the renewal of travel insurance abroad for those vaccinated against the corona virus. The insurance includes extensive coverage for medical emergency services, detection and rescue and a service that provides a commitment to immediate refund at the click of a button.

According to David Arnon, Deputy CEO of the company: “Insurance services will be provided for all countries, including the Americas. With the start of vaccinations in Israel, it is important for us to be the right marker in the industry in this field, and to allow the traveling public abroad to enjoy travel insurance abroad to all countries and at a uniform rate. ”
