Outline of the exit from the quarantine presented by the Ministry of Health: Studies in green cities

Looking for a way out: The third closure is nearing completion, and tonight (Wednesday) the government will convene to discuss the options available to it in order to restore parts of the economy and the education system. In the meantime, the Ministry of Health has the responsibility to submit, in coordination with the various government ministries, an orderly plan for a gradual exit from the quarantine.

According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, in green and yellow cities according to the traffic light rating, it will be possible to open the kindergartens, grades 1-4 and grades 11-12, and self-collection will be possible from restaurants and cafes and workplaces that do not accept crowds.

Corona - Disinfection of a school, archive (the subject has nothing to do with what is said in the article) (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)Corona – Disinfection of a school, archive (the subject has nothing to do with what is said in the article) (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

In the orange and red cities there is still no recommendation or orderly request, and the involved parties are expected to discuss this at the cabinet meeting. In any case – the gathering will be limited to 10 people in an open area and 5 indoors, as usual, throughout the country.

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As will be recalled, morbidity figures in Israel continue to rise, and there is no real expectation that they will fall even after the third full closure, and vaccination of close to 4 million people in Israel in recent weeks.
