Osteoporosis is a bone condition when it becomes brittle, brittle and painful. So Dr. Ashish Jain from PD Hinduja Hospital talks about his symptoms, diagnosis and preventive measures to treat the condition.
Bone is a living bone that is constantly broken down and replaced. Our skeletal skeleton is like a beach where the tide absorbs fresh sand as it washes away some as it passes. An imbalance between this new bone formation and old bone remodeling affects bone density, as a result, bones become brittle and fragile, painfully loaded and easily broken with minor injuries. . This condition is called Osteoporosis (OP). So Dr. Ashish Jain, General Consultant Orthopedics and Trauma, PD Hinduja Hospital and MRC talk about his symptoms, diagnosis and prevention measures.
Here’s what you should know about Osteoporosis?
Maximum bone density
Bone mass is usually reached between 25 and 30 years of age after which bone loss is slow and persistent especially after 40 years of age. Our bone calcium (density) is similar to a bank balance; the more you have at maturity, the less chance you have of Osteoporosis.
What determines our bone density?
Non-regulatory factors:
Sex: women are more likely than men
Age: risk increases as we age
Race: more in whites and Asians
Family: OP in siblings, parents with hip fractures increases the risk
Body frame: smaller body types have smaller bone sizes
Hormonal factors:
Sex hormone: low sex hormones weaken bones. Menopause in women, low testosterone in older men (> 70 yr), treatment for breast and prostate cancers.
Thyroid: Too much thyroid hormone causes bone loss; hypothyroidism can also restore bone density.
Diet factors:
Low calcium intake especially at a young age
Eating disorders: excess weight or food restriction weakens bones
Gastrointestinal surgery as bariatric which shortens the abdominal area.
Lifestyle choices:
Sedentary lifestyle: desk work with no exercise
Alcohol Alcohol
Tobacco use
Extra coffee reduces calcium intake
Medical condition:
Intestinal disorders such as IBD (Infectious Inflammatory Disease), celiac disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Renal and hepatic diseases
Remedies: steroids, seizure treatment, antacids and chemotherapy drugs
What are the characteristics of OP?
There are usually no symptoms at an early stage of bone loss
Back pain
Loss of height over time
Stooped postage
Easily broken bones (narrow, hip, spine)
Tension fracture of spinal vertebrae
Hip fracture with high mortality in post-injury in the first year
How can we prevent OP?
Dietary steps:
Proteins are important building blocks for our body and bones. A body weight of at least 1gm / kg is required
1000mg / day is required between the ages of 18 and 50 years.
1200mg / kg after 50 years
Milk and dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, soya fruits
Calcium supplementation can be added only when needed
Vitamin D:
Essential for calcium uptake and bone health
It will also be exposed to sunlight
Egg yolks, oily fish (salmon), fortified corn
600-800 IU per day required after 50 years
The importance of exercise in OP:
Helps build strong bones and reduces bone loss at any age.
Strengthens muscles, improves balance and reduces falls
Most effective when it started early in life for a modified Peak Bone Mass.
Strength training is best
Balance training like Tai-chi is helpful.
Cardio effects such as skipping, moving, walking, stair climbing (swimming, less effective cycling) – 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes
How do you diagnose OP?
1.DEXA Bone Density scan is the best test for OP even before symptoms or fractures appear. (T-score less than minus 2.5 means OP)
2.Ultrasound of heel bone is a good portable test for larger group screening
3.Quantitative CT scan is good but involves more radiation
4.X-rays of the spine and the nodules for unknown tension fracture
Treatment of Osteoporosis
Protection is always better than cure. Every step is to improve and maintain bone mineral density especially diet and exercise.
2.Drugs are prescribed that reduce bone; as Bisphosphonates
3.Other drugs are used to increase bone formation; as Teriparatide (a man-made parathyroid hormone)
4.Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is in some cases performed
Many new drugs and methods are being tested to tackle this growing problem
Strict medical guidance is required in these anti-osteoporosis treatment protocols to prevent complications
OP Surgery:
Hip fracture surgery is often required:
1.Fixation of the broken bone using blades and nails
Reassemble 2.Hip
Spinal surgery for vertebral tension fracture:
1.Vertebroplasty (injecting liquid cement into the soft bone)
2.Kyphoplasty (enlarging the collapsed vertebra using a balloon)
3.Spinal correction using blades and rods to correct the deformity.
Also read: 5 Best weight loss tips for women experiencing menopause
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