Oral sex can increase the risk of oropharyngeal cancer associated with HPV

Human papillomavirus (HPV) can infect the mouth and throat to cause cancers of the oropharynx. New study published early online in CANCER, a journal reviewed by the American Cancer Society, found that more than 10 oral sex partners were associated with a 4.3-fold greater likelihood of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer.

The study also shows that oral sex at a younger age and more participants in a shorter period of time (oral sex intensity) were associated with a higher likelihood of oral cancer associated with HPV in the mouth and throat. .

Previous studies have shown that performing oral sex is a strong risk factor for HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer. To examine how oral sex-related behaviors may affect risk, Virginia Drake, MD, Johns Hopkins University, and her colleagues asked 163 people with and 345 without oropharyngeal cancer related to HPV to complete a behavioral study.

In addition to the duration and intensity of oral sex, individuals with older sexual partners were younger when they were younger, and those with partners who had extramarital sex were more likely to develop HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer. to have.

Our study builds on previous research to show not only the number of oral sex partners, but also other previously undetected factors that contribute to the risk of exposure to Oral HPV and subsequent oropharyngeal cancer associated with HPV. As the incidence of HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer continues to rise in the United States, our study offers a contemporary assessment of risk factors for this disease. We’ve discovered additional nuances about how and why some people may develop this cancer, which may help identify those at greater risk.. “

Virginia Drake, MD, Johns Hopkins University
