On Sunday 2/4, there will be battles in the streets in memory of the late Boris Meilichov, who was killed in a car accident.

All tests and data show that the vaccines work, but the State of Israel has not yet reached the optimal situation and the number of vaccinated in the first dose is indeed high and close to 5 million vaccinated, but the critical and important vaccine is the second vaccine and the number of vaccinated in the second dose is still only 3.5 million. It is enough and only when the State of Israel reaches over 6 million vaccinated can it be assumed that the state will defeat the corona and until then the pendulum will continue to rise and fall when the consolation is that among the second-rate vaccines the plague has been stopped.

As of the beginning of the week, the decline in the number of verified patients is felt for the first time since the beginning of January this year, and on Wednesday 3/3 the trend was reversed and for the first time there is a clear trend of an increase in the number of verified patients as the 3 most prominent cities are streets.

The increase in morbidity is attributed to the devaluation of the economy and the education system and it is estimated that in two weeks the morbidity among the unvaccinated will increase following Purim parties

Rishon Lezion

Today – Yellow, 5.8, 1021 patients

Yesterday – yellow, 5.7, 941 patients


Today – Orange, 6.1, 693 patients

Yesterday – yellow, 6, 632 patients

Bat Yam

Today – yellow, 5.9, 661 patients

Yesterday – yellow, 5.8, 629 patients


Today – green, 4, 75 patients

Yesterday – Green, 4, 72 patients


Today – yellow, 5.6, 836 patients

Yesterday – yellow, 5.6, 823 patients

Kiryat Ekron

Today yellow, 5.3, 64 patients

Yesterday – yellow, 4.7, 63 patients

Souvenir Batya

Today – green, 2.6, less than 15 patients

Yesterday – Green, 2.7, less than 15 patients
