Octopuses punch when they are hungry and angry, an investigation reveals

New research has revealed that octopuses often throw punches when hunting alongside other fish.

The octopus cephalopods are known to hunt cooperatively with groups (large-bodied fish, heavy-bodied fish) and coral reef species as a tactical move that is mutually beneficial.

According to the published study on it Ecology, these collaborative shootings can last more than an hour. Octopuses sweep the coral reefs and crevices, while bottom-feeding species scrape the seabed and other fish in their guards.

At times these intelligent sea creatures come out of prey, but at other times it is out of an evil spirit.

“The octopus makes a rapid, explosive movement with one arm directed to a particular fish partner, which we call punching” according to the. You would think something is nine brains there would be a more civilized way of resolving disputes!

“Octopuses and fishes are known to hunt together, taking advantage of the morphology and hunting strategy of the others,” study author Eduado Sampaio said in a tweet. “With several partners coming together, this creates a complex network where investment and payment can be unfair, leading to partner control measures. “

This means that the octopus sees itself as a leader in these hunting groups. He pulls fish to the side for a number of reasons – the most obvious of which is to push him out of prey.

In other recorded interactions, octopuses would punch the fish to replace them and encourage “cooperative behavior in the following interactions”. However, the study sometimes found that it was just “spicy behavior” when there was nothing immediately available from doing this.

What do octopuses eat?

Octopuses usually eat crabs, crabs and lobsters as well as fish. Octopus species are known to have been larger catch small sharks. Well, now that we know they can handle it, that doesn’t surprise us.

It’s not just fish that gets it in the neck either. according to The Scientific American, locked octopuses are known to recognize individuals and dislike them – spraying them with water jetwater if they do. And at an aquarium at the University of Otago in New Zealand, the captured octopuses had even learned to use their water spray capabilities to turn off the lights.

Throwing punches is clearly an addition to the list of weird and wonderful facts about the two-hearted blue sea creature.
