Nissenkorn: “We have had a serious attempt to politicize the appointments to the top

The outgoing Minister of Justice, Avi Nissenkorn, spoke today (Thursday) at the declaration of allegiance to the new judges at the President’s House. “It’s no secret that there have been attempts to undermine the work of the Judicial Selection Committee, to bring politicization and irrelevant considerations into this space, I have not allowed that,” Nissenkorn said.

The minister, who resigned yesterday in light of joining the “Israelis” party led by Ron Huldai and retiring from “Blue and White,” told the judges that “you were chosen cleanly, in your own right, so that you can serve impartially, independently, fearlessly and without trying to please In my eyes, someone. “

Avi Nissenkorn and President Rivlin (Photo: Haim Tzach, GPO)Avi Nissenkorn and President Rivlin (Photo: Haim Tzach, GPO)

He said the Judicial Selection Committee had also encountered a “serious attempt to politicize the appointment of Supreme Court justices” in order to make elected judges dependent on the whims of politicians. “We stopped it, too,” Nissenkorn declared.

Nissenkorn went on to say that “Whoever seeks to intimidate the law and justice, seeks to intimidate the citizens of Israel and their basic rights. As Minister of Justice, I acted sanely. I maintained the independence of the rule of law, that’s all. But in today’s Israel, maintaining sanity has become a radical position. “More than it is sad, it’s dangerous.”

Finally, the Minister of Justice informed the judges that he and his partners would continue to “maintain the rule of law and Israeli democracy.” “In this struggle we have no choice but to win”, Nissenkorn said, adding that “maintaining an independent court has been difficult to digest for politicians guided by personal interests.”
