Nintendo Switch Leak features the original Console design

A new Nintendo leak has unveiled the original Nintendo Switch design, which looks nothing like the final product released in 2017 and which has been the best-selling console in the world ever since. 2020 has been a bad year for Nintendo from a security standpoint, with leaks flying out of Nintendo’s archive like crazy. The latest of these leaks features an early and original design for what would be the Switch, and finally the Switch Lite. Interestingly, not only does the original design look nothing like the final product, but it is actually closer to the Switch Lite than the traditional Switch.

As you can see below, the original design for the console boasts a screen that extends beyond the analog sticks in a way that is very similar to a mobile phone display. In fact, the console is just a screen, with three small buttons at the bottom that prevent the front from being completely displayed.

If the design looks familiar, it’s because it looks almost exactly like a “scattered” image of the console that made the rounds before its appearance that was finally written off as a mess.

According to some documents accompanying the leak, the Nintendo Switch was originally going to support 3D functionality and be backwards compatible with the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo was also looking to use a 480p screen. Luckily, he decided against this and made the screen 720p.

Of course, take all of this – the images and the information tidbits – with a grain of salt as all of it is information of the scattered mix. At the time of release, Nintendo has not reported this leak in any capacity and this is unlikely to change. However, if it does, we will be sure to update the story with whatever is given. In the meantime, for more coverage on all things Nintendo Switch, click here or check out the relevant links below:
