Ninja Israel: Who is the hottest ninja of the season?

Apart from showcasing impressive abilities in the transition between ropes and jumping on jumps, the men of the “Ninja Israel” program also present a handsome figure and it is certainly impossible to ignore it and we do not want to either. After years of wanting women, it’s time for one TV show to give us a fight back. So who is the most worthy man of the third season of “Ninja Israel”? Decide for yourself.

1. Yuval who is full

How can one ignore the winner of the first season of “Ninja Israel”. GodNint Of the format managed to penetrate the hearts of viewers and viewers with a dissonance of Harry Potter modesty and glasses, in the face of the roars of battle just before he overcame the next obstacle. Since the victory in the first full season has become a character that symbolizes success and as is well known, with success come the possibilities. So after saying goodbye to his girlfriend last year, Fellow Turgeman, Now he has to deal with rumors of a relationship with the successful singer, These are my blade. What’s wrong with him in life?

Yuval Shamla (Photo: Oded Karni)Yuval Shamla (Photo: Oded Karni)

2. Age of Mertz

It’s good that he’s on the list, not only because he wins the second season of “Ninja Israel”, but mainly because he has sex appeal at the highest levels. The pointed beard and the Mohican hair, the earring that dangles on his left ear, which gives it the look of a real rock star and there is no doubt that the tattoos and the wide body structure also add a few more points to it. His childhood story, too, which speaks of entanglement with the law and the success of returning to the groove, adds to his whole and round character.

Gil Meretz (Photo: Oded Karni)Gil Meretz (Photo: Oded Karni)

3. Ariel Ben Atar

Long before he came to “Ninja Israel”, he was a successful model, body builder and Instagram star with over 200,000 followers. Although Ben Atar did not reach the advanced stages of the format and fell already in the early stages when he was disqualified after returning, he certainly deserves credit as one of the equal men who got on the ninja track and gave us a moment of satisfaction – if not performance, then at least from the mirror.

4. Bronze puppy

One of the pleasant surprises of the season is the upright man in the world who never stops smiling. Behind the sweet and innocent smile, hides a guy with a troubled past of a boy who got into a lot of trouble with the police, until he decided to take his life in his own hands. Aside from the constant smile and inspiring uprightness, Arad gave during the season a serious fight to all the veteran contenders and made it all the way to the final part of the grand final. Waiting to see him stand up all the way to the buzzer.

Gur Arad, Ninja Israel (Photo: Oded Karni)Gur Arad, Ninja Israel (Photo: Oded Karni)

5. Alber Farber

He may be more familiar to you as a “friend of Bar Sommer“, But apart from that Farber is also a member of the Israeli water skiing team, specializing in law and bachelor. The combination of the courted tie suit, along with the coolness of skiing and climbing do their thing. A suburb that looks like a good Jerusalem boy only with the body of a Greek god, Managed to reach almost the end, to the first part of the final, where he fell from the net, and TMI hopes for the Israeli girls who will be able to catch him in their net.

6. Phone Six

He may be a member of the lesser-known “hype” band, but there is no doubt that he managed to attract the attention of “Ninja Israel”. Not only does he have a beautiful voice and sweet curls, he also knows how to climb walls and has a shapely body, which is of course an important entry condition for the ninja’s equal list. Siksik did fall into the water in the qualifiers, but managed to qualify for the first stage of the final, where he said goodbye to us, until next season. We are still not getting rid of the charm he left on the track.

7. Yossi Ben Yosef

Apart from the fact that he has a brand name, Yossi Ben Yosef, who twice won the Israeli climbing championship, was marked as last season’s promise and definitely blew to fill the home front, but a moment after pressing the buzzer that earned him a move to the second round, Ben Yosef was disqualified. Yossi returned for a third season that he is imbued with motivation to win, along with a refreshing renewal of a French old man who made him from a young man to a young man.

Yossi Ben Yosef (Photo: Keshet Screenshot 12)Yossi Ben Yosef (Photo: Keshet Screenshot 12)

8. Harel Dodson

He will forever be remembered as the one who managed to get through the mega wall for the first time last season and rake in ten thousand shekels into his pocket. Rotem Sela Compared it toNoam Tor And there is truth in that. The golden curls with Davidson’s shy smile and maturity do their thing. Is a combination of connection to the spirit along with a divine body, who needs more than that?

Harel Dodson (Photo: Oded Karni)Harel Dodson (Photo: Oded Karni)

9. Minimal light

He is one of the participants who is meticulous and comes every season anew to cross his own boundaries. Although Miniali is young, he managed to make it to the “Ninja Israel” parade this year thanks to the success that brought her fans and also some new bristles on his face that made him a young man. In the past, he dated network star Noa Cohen and today he is completely single. Attack!

Minimal light (Photo: Instagram screenshot)Minimal light (Photo: Instagram screenshot)

10. A royal man

He can be declared the “bad boy” of “Ninja Israel”. The most arrogant candidate of the format, failed to bring results in the moment of truth. In the first season he fell already in the qualifying stage, in the second season he fell in the semi-final stage and in the current season he fell again in the semi-final stage, after getting a second chance at the end of the qualifying stage. Malki, who owns a ninja compound, returned this season with oxidized hair and a more shapely body than he was able to keep his promises, but made us very happy to see him on the track.

Adam Malki (Photo: Keshet Screenshot 12)Adam Malki (Photo: Keshet Screenshot 12)

11. Assaf Goren

Last season he won the VIP end and this season he decided to compete with everyone in the regular end. Although Goren has not reached advanced stages, he is undoubtedly an inspiring figure. Apart from the body of a god with a tan skin tone as we like, he also has his specialty that includes the long wigs and Nachman dome.

Assaf Goren (Photo: Oded Karni)Assaf Goren (Photo: Oded Karni)

12. Natai Hadar

The name of this ninja contestant may be more familiar to you in the last week, because in the current season of the show the production chose not to highlight him and a protest arose online. Hadar managed to overtake Meretz in the first part of the final, but due to time constraints in the editing, they decided to show a summary of only 30 seconds from his track. Hadar is only 17 years old but he has a successful character and we are still watching him grow.

Natai Hadar (Photo: Oded Karni)Natai Hadar (Photo: Oded Karni)
