New archeology for the Anthropocene era


IMAGE: Archaeological studies of low-density, land-based cities such as the ancient Angkor Wat in Cambodia are increasingly being used to develop more sustainable urban centers in the future …. view more

Credit: Alison Crowther

Indiana Jones and Lara Croft have a lot to answer. Public perceptions of archeology are often old-fashioned, and these characters do little to help.

But archeology as it is practiced today is almost identical to the grave attack seen in movies and video games. In fact, it bears no resemblance to even more scholarly portraits of the subject in the field of entertainment.

Paper published today in Ecology Nature and evolution aims to stop an audience that is largely prepared to take such unrelated pictures at face value. It features archeology used by scientists in white lab coats, using a multi-million-euro instrument and state-of-the-art computers.

It will also feature archeology that is poised to contribute in key ways to tackling such cutting-edge challenges as biodiversity conservation, food security and climate change.

“Archeology today is a very different discipline from what it was a hundred years ago,” says Nicole Boivin, lead author of the study and Director of the Institute’s Department of Archeology. a tomb that we see represented in films above the roof, it seems that the archeology of the past was closer to this than to the archeology of the present day. Much of archeology today is very different in direction, and focused on addressing contemporary issues. “

Examining the research contributions of the field over the past few decades, the authors come to a clear conclusion – archeology today has much to contribute to tackling the challenges of the day. today.

“Humans at this time have become one of the great forces shaping nature,” emphasizes Alison Crowther, coauthor and researcher at both the University of Queensland and MPI Human History Science. “When we say that we have entered a new geological era, under human control, the Anthropocene, we are acknowledging that role.”

How can archeology, a discipline focused on the past, hope to meet the challenges ahead in the Anthropocene?

“It is clear that the past offers a breadth of cultural knowledge that we cannot overlook,” Dr. Boivin points out.

Both researchers show the many ways in which data about the past can serve the future. By analyzing what has and has not worked in the past – effectively offering long-term trials in human society – archaeologists gain an understanding on the features that underpin stability and resilience, and the features that work against them. They also clarify ancient solutions to today’s problems.

“We will show how researchers have developed today’s world by drawing on information about the ways in which people in the past enriched soils, preventing on destructive fires, creating greener cities and carrying water without fossil fuels, “notes Dr. Crowther.

People also continue to use, and adapt, old technologies and infrastructure, including terrace and irrigation systems that are in some cases centuries or even thousands of years old.

But the researchers want to emphasize the importance of technological and social solutions to climate change and the other challenges facing the Anthropocene.

“This is not about illuminating the past, or minimizing progress,” stresses Professor Boivin. “Rather, it is about bringing together the past, present and future to lead an accountable and helpful course for humanity.”


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